Werewolves and dinosaurs. I mean, what could possibly make this episode better? Oh, wait, that's right. If something interesting actually happened. Read More
The good news is that last episode's catastrophe seems to have been the bottom of the barrel. This episode is an improvement. The bad news is that Smallville had at least one more piece of junk in store for us, and this was it. Read More
Thanksgiving, the eatingest day of the year, is just around the corner, probably trying to yank Jenny Craig away from Kirstie Alley. To honor our chow-down and gobble-up national holiday, I'm presenting my top ten movie food scenes. Read More
It's been well over a year since I featured Joss Whedon's space western in Fan Art Friday. In that time the Browncoat artists have been turning out loads of awesome works, so let's revisit the crew of Serenity for some more great fan art. Read More
As an avid fan of the series, and of the author himself, I can safely say that this is one really good read: the dialogue and narrative is spiked with Pratchett’s own brand of wit, humor, and critical thinking that have the capacity to leave readers with both a hearty laugh and Read More
The Trinity Killer has an identity: Arthur Mitchell. He's a deacon at a church, a teacher at a local school, and a devoted father and husband. He's everything Dexter wants and needs to be. So before Dexter kills him, he's going to study him. Read More
Between The Fourth Kind and V, this week in fandom seems to be all about aliens. The truth is out there, and so are a whole lot of crafts inspired by aliens and UFOs. Here are ten that are out of this world (sorry, couldn't resist). Read More
Donald Duck and Friends #347 is the first issue Donald Duck is appearing on his new publisher, BOOM! Studios. The Disney icon has been in the comic scene for decades now, but is this issue even worth reading? Read More
The Boondock Saints has been one of my favorite films since I was in high school, but as much as I've always wanted a sequel to be released, my expectations for Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day are exceedingly low. Read More