On March 4th, Nexon America launched "The Nexon iNitiative" — a program that "will provide up to $1 million to support the next generation of game developers." Read More
The beginning of an epic western fantasy and two semi-autobiographical classics are among today's five books revealed in our countdown of the 100 Greatest Books of All Time. Read More
This week unquestionably belongs to Final Fantasy XIII, the latest entry in Square Enix's venerable RPG franchise. There's even a limited edition Xbox 360 releasing to commemorate the game's launch! It's not alone on the new release shelf, though. Read More
Tim Burton brings his special brand of crazy to the big screen this week with Alice in Wonderland. With Alice being a venerable character with a huge fanbase, it's no surprise that there's a ton of awesome Wonderland fan art to be found. This week we're featuring one of Read More
I had the opportunity to ask singer/songwriter Ashlyne Huff some questions about her background, her future aspirations, and what it's like to be an up-and-coming female pop star. You might be surprised by some of her answers. Read More
Call it a pet peeve, or call it a personality quirk, but there's one phenomenon that is really starting to get on my nerves: forcing foreign actors to cover up their accents when they are hired for Hollywood movies or TV shows. It's time to let actors speak naturally, instead of Read More
Two Hugo Award-winning science fiction novels are among the five books revealed today in our countdown of the 100 Greatest Books of All Time. Read More
This production of Alice in Wonderland, directed by Jonathan Miller, is dark, surreal, and frequently haunting. Alice doesn't smile and doesn't seem curious about anything — just critical, and even bored. But the DVD is well worth the cost just for the extras and the backstory of Read More
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland opens in theaters today, and it's the perfect time for you to enter to win some Wonderland swag! Lionsgate and BBC have provided us with DVDs of Syfy's Alice mini-series, as well as the 1966 Alice in Wonderland television play. Three lucky winners Read More
Paige talks to independent actress/director Brooke Lemke, co-founder of Silent-But-Deadly Productions, about the all-female production company. Read More
Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is considered to be a timeless classic, and Tim Burton's movie (out this week) has brought about new interest in the peculiar tale of logic and fantasy. Here are ten fan-made crafts which show tribute to the world down the rabbit Read More