The long awaited sequel to TRON is in theaters this weekend, and to commemorate its release, here's a batch of TRON-inspired fan art goodies! Read More
A reporter friend of Ilsa's named Susan Connors has been captured by a notorious South American drug leader, and the team's benefactor takes it upon herself to get her friend back. However, she gets absolutely nowhere with drug leader's agents, and Chance figures the only way to Read More
Mounting an effective political resistance to a military bill, Senators Amidala, Bail Organa, and Onaconda Farr attempt to rally other supporters to their cause, despite death threats and intimidation. Read More
Ames's past as a juvenile delinquent catches up with her when she assists an old friend on a heist. Ames thinks she's done, just a favor for someone who didn't rat her out when he got busted, but little does she know that he has since fallen in with a worse crowd. Read More
What great American event happened between 1907-1979? John Wayne happened, that’s what. With the impending opening of the Coen Brothers’ remake of 1969’s True Grit, where Wayne’s Oscar-winning role is being re-interpreted by Jeff Bridges, this seems a good time to revisit some Read More
Like Star Wars, Pacitti's memoir possesses tragedy, betrayal and bittersweet triumph. And while this is not the thoughts and reflections of a man in his golden years, it is the heartbreaking memoir of a man in the golden years of his fandom. Read More
If I might editorialize for a moment, this week's Rock Band DLC is the song pack I've been waiting for ever since the first Rock Band game launched, and it's the one the keyboard peripheral was made for. Available today is the Billy Joel 12-pack. Read More
When Shawn and Gus burst in and ruin Lassiter's sting operation, Chief Vick decides that they need a crash course in proper police procedure, so it's off to the Santa Barbara Police Academy for the psychic (or is it psychotic?) duo. Will they learn anything, or will this end up Read More
With racers like Gran Turismo 5 waving the banner of high realism, it's refreshing every once in a while to play a driving game that thumbs its nose at reality and believable physics. Enter nail'd, the new bike and ATV release from Deep Silver! Read More
In this episode, President Obama presents the MythBusters with a challenge: revisit the Archimedes Death Ray myth one more time. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory take on a scene from Hellboy where a punch to the hood of a car makes it somersault over his head. Read More
For those who are interested in good instrumental music, either for background or foreground listening, this is certainly worth picking up. And if you’re as much of a fan of the show as I am, that makes it even better. Read More
My prediction has always been that we'd resolve this whole “Sam doesn't have a soul” issue on the mid-season finale and use the back-half of the season to concentrate on the Purgatory storyline. Let's see how right I was. Read More