Valente's telling of Prester John's story reveals one man's journey to reconcile everything he thought he knew about God and the world with the reality of a place where none of that knowledge seems to apply. Read More
Throughout January, the focus of Fan Art Friday is cryptozoology! Last week we featured Bigfoot, and this week we're traveling across the pond to take a look at the Loch Ness Monster. Read More
As Chance and Ilsa's plane is shot down in the jungles of South America, Winston, Guerrero, and Ames have to deal with a client whose pursuers are infiltrating the office. Read More
On Tuesday the BBC released Skins: Volume 4 on DVD, just in time for the new American take on the British TV show to premiere on MTV next week. Read More
When an anime is named after the lord of the flies and one of the seven Princes of Hell, I thought it would be one about demons, Hell (with a capital H) and the battle between good and evil. Oh, was I so glad that I was wrong. Read More
Once again Zenescope provides readers with a beautifully illustrated comic book issue. While the majority of the Grimm Fairy Tales issues seem a bit lacking in content, Grimm Fairy Tales #53 has a robust storyline that, although somewhat predictable, is extremely entertaining and Read More
Depending on how much patience or disposable income you have, there are a few different ways to read a story these days. But instead of signaling the end of single issue comics, the multitude of availability just gives comic fans more opportunity to buy what they love over and Read More
If I had to use one word to describe this book, it would be "quirky." Schwegler has sought to use the world around us and give it a slant. With appearances by intelligent squirrels, talking food, and even Jesus, the range of story subjects will make you look at reality in a new way. Read More
Funcom and EA Partners announced their agreement to co-publish Funcom’s highly anticipated modern-day massively multiplayer online game The Secret World. Read More
The third season of BBC's popular Doctor Who spinoff released this month on DVD with The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete Third Season. Sarah Jane is back for more sci-fi excitement with these 12 new episodes that never have aired in the US prior to this release. Read More
Grimm Fairy Tales #52 brings readers the second half of the Glass Coffin subplot that began in the previous issue, using elements of classic fairy tale stories as a foundation. Read More