It seems like just yesterday I was home from college for the summer and going to see Superbad by myself, walking into the theater already in love with Michael Cera but walking out swooning over Christopher Mintz-Plasse. I, and the rest of the world, had no clue who that odd and unlikely teen heartthrob was at the time, and some probably cast him off as a one-hit wonder. Years later, Christopher (or, for the rest of this, simply Chris) is still making hit movies and proving he isn’t just McLovin. Today you’re more than likely calling him The Motherf**ker thanks to Kick-Ass and its sequel coming out tomorrow, but those aren’t the only reasons we love Chris. Let’s continue to the love fest, shall we?
Name: Christopher Charles Mintz-Plasse
Birthday: June 20, 1989
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @MintzPlasse
Best Known For
It’s likely someone somewhere will yell “MCLOVIN!” at Chris today, tomorrow, and the next day. Let’s face it, he scored a home run with his first ever role in Superbad, and he can’t be that mad about it. He then went on to play an even less cool version of McLovin in Role Models a year later. Augie never got laid, although I’m sure that Queen would’ve showed him a thing or two if the movie had been longer. From there Chris only went up, starring in Kick-Ass and How to Train Your Dragon in 2010. He also did Marmaduke that year and Fright Night the next, but we’ll forgive him for those since he made up for it with ParaNorman (one of my favorite movies from 2012) and Pitch Perfect (a movie that’s popular and I can’t understand why). This year he’s already made us laugh harder than usual with bit parts playing himself in This Is the End and a dry-hump crazed teen in The To Do List. Next up of course he’ll be reprising his role in Kick-Ass 2. From there he’ll star in Get a Job alongside Bryan Cranston. I’m already going to say that’ll be one of my top choices of 2014.
5 Quick Christopher Mintz-Plasse Facts
- LA born and raised, but a Celtics fan all the way? You sure he’s allowed to roam the streets without a guard?
- His love of basketball doesn’t stop there. He’s a member of a Sunday Men’s B-Ball League.
- Superbad was his first professional role, but he got some experience in first grade drama class.
- Speaking of, he beat out about 500 dudes for the part of McLovin.
- He’s not only an actor, but a musician. He handles the drums in The Young Rapscallions.

Reasons You Love Christopher Mintz-Plasse
To you, there is no one sexier than Chris. Okay, so you’ve had to argue about this more than once when your friends told you to compare him to James Franco or Chris Pine and that’s fine. You were up for it because you know your Chris outdoes them all. It’s strange to even think anyone who’s a fan of his didn’t jump into the fandom because of Superbad, so that’s the first reason you love Chris. The others are his voice, his musical abilities, and his badass ways masked by his ultimate boyish demeanor.
While most of the world would love to have been the cool kids in high school, most people were the Fogells. We thought we were awesome, but place us in a less than perfect situation and our voices cracked (boy or girl) and our palms sweated, BUT Fogell proved the weird guy can finish first. He was the ultimate underdog in Superbad, but came out on top (of Nicola). Thanks to that role you not only came out with a new love of your life, but lines to quote for days. “Chicka, chicka yeah… fake ID, fake ID…”
When you read that last line, you did it in your best Chris impression. That voice is undeniable. It’s like a 13-year-old boy at the brink of puberty with somewhat of a lisp. It works for him though. Look at him, would you want a Denzel Washington voice coming out of that guy? Thought so. Chris’s voice suits him well enough that it’s not only memorable when you can see him, but when you can’t. That’s what led you to loving his animated endeavors as well, although he was unrecognizable in ParaNorman.
He might have a voice that makes you giggle, but he doesn’t use it in music. If you live in LA you’ve probably gone to one, two, or too many of his band’s shows around town. You can’t help but love a man who can play music. It’s like girl bait. Girls can’t resist a man with an instrument. (Unless it’s Pat Monahan — no one should want to be a “Soul Sister.”)
Now, when Chris first popped up no one expected him to ever play anyone named “Motherfu**er.” Look at him, with those puppy-dog eyes and that little frame. He might play someone you love to hate, but you love him regardless. He proved us all wrong by stepping up and taking on that role in Kick-Ass like no other. It’d be impossible to imagine anyone else battling Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl today.
There are many reasons you love Chris, but when it boils down to it you love him because of a quotable role, irrefutable vocals, drum skills, and because he’s really a bad ass.
Reasons I Love Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Like I said, I went and saw Superbad by myself. This is because after high school you don’t really see your friends from your hometown as much when you move away and because my little brother wouldn’t go with me. Cera was the reason I went, but I ended up falling helplessly in love with 80% of the dudes in that movie. Okay, maybe just Jonah Hill, Bill Hader and, of course, Chris. Besides the fact that quoting Fogell makes me laugh six years later, I loved Chris because he was adorkable before Fox tried to bank on that with New Girl; simple as that.
He’s a cutie pie I can’t deny and although McLovin is one of the best things he’ll ever do, and Kick-Ass is pretty awesome — I love him most in Role Models as Augie. In that movie he played a weird kid who took to LARPing, only they called it LAIRE. Then he was paired with Paul Rudd and, despite it being court ordered, a friendship blossomed and it was both heartfelt and hilarious. That’s one of those movies I can’t pass up, even when it’s on for the 14th time in a week’s span. Plus, like with Olivia Wilde, I loved him in Year One and may still be the only one tooting that movie’s horn.
Lately I’ve been obsessing over Chris as Duffy in The To Do List because if we’re jumping to the end here, it’s my favorite movie of the year for so many reasons, Chris included. Oh, to have been in high school with Chris and let hormones rage as kitties suffered greatly. See the movie and that last sentence will make so much more sense.
So my love for Chris started out the same place everyone else’s did with a movie about some high school kids trying to get some, and that’s where my love for him is today. I love Chris because he plays the hell out of socially inept teens and I fear the day he hits some sort of puberty and can’t take on those roles anymore.