Fritz Lang's 1927 expressionist movie Metropolis explores social divisions, but it also introduces us to one of the early androids of film, the false Maria. This week's Fan Art Friday continues our Robot Month by presenting a collection of artwork all Read More
Back when Clint Eastwood was in front of the camera and telling people to make his day, no one would have guessed that forty years later he would be directing a contemplative and haunting drama about mortality and what waits beyond. Nevertheless, Read More
It's Saint Patrick's Day, and we're celebrating by running down the list of 10 of the greatest heroes of science fiction and comics who descended from the Emerald Isle. Read More
A few weeks ago, Deep Silver made big news with their awesomely tragic trailer for their upcoming zombie game Dead Island. Anything done artistically with the living dead will be on our radar, and they helped us out this week by tossing three new Read More
The Cartoon Network's acclaimed animated adaptation movie of Image Comics' Firebreather is coming to Blu-ray next week, and we checked it out in advance. Read More
Given Batman's longevity in pop culture, it's no surprise that he's had several successful animated TV series, the most recent of which is Batman: The Brave and the Bold. The second half of the first season releases today on DVD with Batman: The Brave Read More
This week's Rock Band new release list brings two singles from The Police, one from War, and one from OK Go, all priced to move at $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points) a piece. The four songs are available starting today across all platforms. Read More
The Johnny Depp-driven animated feature Rango has been racking up big numbers at the box office, and EA released its companion video game this month on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and DS. Here's a look at the 360 version in all its genre jumping glory. Read More
Two more classic Doctor Who adventures join BBC's DVD library this month with "The Ark," an early story featuring the First Doctor, and "The Seeds of Doom," spotlighting the Fourth Doctor. Read More