It’s the end of the series and some decisions have to be made. What is the path forward for Buffy and Thessaly? Can they save the world or will they have to die trying? Read More
Angel’s situation gets more complicated, as does Wesley’s. And the plot thickens on what is residing in the spirit house. So many threads, just waiting to come together. Read More
Buffy and Spike are together again, fighting alongside each other to save the world! But the world has become a much harsher place and time has not been kind to anyone. Can they help bring light back to a darkened existence? Read More
We start off revisiting Buffy in the dreamworld, where is is pulled into a grave and has to dig herself out. She is at the mercy of her friends, who are fighting Silas in the real world. It’s up to them to defeat Silas and save Buffy, else she will be Read More
We kick off a new series with Angel and his group, though it’s a very different world. With fantasy and reality merging together in a sometimes confusing mix, the series promises to provide new mysteries and old friends. Read More
We get the story of Thessaly in this issue, as well as an introduction to an old-new ally. Buffy’s life is very complicated as the last Slayer, and it’s about to get even more difficult. Read More
As we head into the new year, Buffy and the Scooby Gangs from all the universes have come together to defeat Silas. But can the joined forces actually succeed? Read More
Buffy is the last Slayer and the world in which she lives is not a happy one. Kicking off this new limited series, we get a wonderful glimpse of what-if and the mysteries to come. Read More
The fight is gearing up and the troops are rallying round. It will be interesting to see if old alliances hold true or if some of the soldiers decide to change sides as time goes on. There are sure to be some casualties before Silas is done with the Slayers. Read More
Buffy is trying to gather Slayers from the various universes and Faith is dealing with Silas’ desire to taunt and control her. They will need all the help they can get to fight him. Hopefully they will be able to gather allies and wage a winning battle. Read More
Silas is coming and the lines of allegiance have been drawn. It comes down to family. While Slayers may seem expendable by some, the bonds that the Scooby gang have created are more powerful that any ancient rules. Or so they believe. I just hope they Read More