Previously, The Cinema Doctor canceled the film version of The Avengers. Now, marvel (pun intended) as he braves the storms of the dubious talents of Brett Ratner, as he gives X-Men: The Last Stand a face lift worthy of approval from Macnamara / Troy. Read More
I’ve been remiss. I was waiting until I actually watched an episode or two of Dollhouse to decide whether or not I was really excited that Felicia Day will be making a guest appearance on the show. Read More
The second installment of Fandom Deathmatch pits Sarah Connor against Ellen Ripley. They've fought aliens and robots. How will they fare against each other? Read More
Jennifer Halley (Seelix from Battlestar Galactica) joins us this week as we talk about our weekend at Megacon and the past week in TV and gaming. Read More
Despite the fact that Dollhouse is gearing up for only its third episode, Joss Whedon fans, especially fans of his cult classic television series Firefly, may be wondering whether Dollhouse will make the cut or face the same fate as the crew of their beloved Serenity. Read More
Kelly, who is currently hard at work writing up Defining the Genre for the Fantasy Genre, has been pondering vampires, both historic and modern and poses the question: Vampires: Fantasy or Horror? HELP! Read More