Three tracks from Toadies' 1994 debut album Rubberneck arrive as this week's downloadable content for Rock Band. You can grab all three songs starting today for $5.49 (440 Microsoft Points), or you can get each individual song for $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points). Read More
The mid-season finale of Supernatural left us with more questions than answers. Instead of getting some resolution to the situations of Benny and Amelia, instead we got complications and brotherly anger issues. Just another day in the lives of the Winchesters. Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
This week we have an all video games episode, including discussion about the Spike VGAs, Lollipop Chainsaw, Hitman Absolution, and Dishonored. Read More
DC's Huntress has been a fan favorite for a long time, and now the character is gaining a new wave of followers after her inclusion in the CW's Arrow TV series. This week's Fan Art Friday collects an assortment of great fan created art, all portraying the comic book heroine. Read More
Everyone has movies from their childhood they hold dear to their heart. This past week I got to interview a man who co-wrote one of my all-time favorite movies, Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead — Neil Landau. Read More
This Tumblr gives us a heartwarming look at the next generation of fandom, and it's a must-follow if you're looking for a lot of geeky feel-good vibes. Read More
Okay, so while most of our John Krasinski love comes from his role on the The Office, that’s not the only reason we love John, just the biggest. We also have a thing for his ways with romantic comedies, his sweetheart personality and, of course, his puppy dog eyes that cause Read More
Willow's still trying to bring magic back, while also trying to stay alive on the dangerous journey she's undertaken. It wouldn't be a normal day for the Scooby Gang if someone wasn't in mortal danger, though. And she's got a great challenge in front of her, so I hope to see some Read More
To celebrate Blade Runner's 30th anniversary, Warner Bros has released this comprehensive box set, complete with an artbook, a Spinner replica, and four discs loaded with content. Read More