Beautiful Creatures is marketed as the next Twilight, but don't let that fool you. It's actually a good movie, and its impressive cast makes for an enjoyable supernatural teen drama. Read More
Just about everyone who has been on Star Trek — James Doohan, Walter Koenig, DeForest Kelly — has put out a bio. And that's just the original series. But these are the big six. Get started with these, and you'll get all the juicy dirt behind the creation and success of one of the Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three (or less) picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
The finale has come and gone, but I don't think any of us were expecting what we were left with. Guesses turned out to be wrong, characters turned out to be changed, and the world as we know it is no more safer than before. It's going to be a long hiatus, full of speculation, Read More
This week we have a whole lot of TV talk as we discuss the newly announced upcoming network shows, as well as the finales of Revenge and Arrow. We also talk about some geeky news and Star Trek into Darkness. Read More
We featured a bunch of great fan art inspired by characters from Star Trek: The Original Series back in 2009 when J.J. Abrams' first Star Trek movie released. Now that Star Trek into Darkness is in theaters, we're taking a look at art based on the next incarnation of the Read More
Issue #13 of Fatale is another flashback "episode", standalone in its story and loosely related to the overall arc of the continuing story. This issue is less about bare survival and escape and more about the protagonist finding some answers, which — don't worry, reader — we Read More
A little movie called Star Trek into Darkness arrives in theaters this week, and we're more than a little excited about it around here. Tumblr is loaded full of awesome Trek blogs, and this week we're spotlighting just a tiny sampling of them instead of featuring just one. Read More
The way my calendar looks, you’d think I was counting down the days until Star Trek Into Darkness. The truth is that the only person I truly love in that cast, well, we’re going to talk about him next week. This week our focus in on the newcomer to the cast, Benedict Cumberbatch. Read More
We know what ratings are, and we read the posted numbers for our favorite shows. Many times, those sent too early to cancellation purgatory are pulling the same ratings as other similar shows that do get renewed. What's the deal? What makes the difference? Read More
When we last left Simon and Gwen, they were spending the night with Penelope, Gwen’s mother. Morgana has found them somehow and breaks in and begins to attack. Read More