This is the one subject I never really wanted to feature here, mainly because what can you say about a franchise as grand as this that hasn’t already and will forever be said? Comics and superheroes may’ve existed before A New Hope debuted in theaters, but I think Star Wars is the king when it comes to fandoms. There’s something so insane, so dedicated, so massive about the fans that surround this movie that I couldn’t go at it alone. Plus, with The Force Awakens opening this week, it was time to shine a light on the one and only Star Wars.
Name: Star Wars
Birthday: May 25, 1977
Place of Birth: A galaxy far, far away
Twitter: @starwars
Best Known For
Let’s put it this way — even people who’ve never seen a single Star Wars can name at least five of the characters. That’s when you know you have a mainstay, a giant in pop culture. A recent trending topic on Twitter, #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly, described Star Wars as a movie about “A goblin [who] teaches a teenager to use magic so that he can kill his father.” So right, but also a classic tale of good versus evil that has family drama and a huge dog-looking creature named Chewbacca. Plus with seven movies (the latest breaking presale records), it’s fourth in line when it comes to the top earning franchises. Which is impressive considering it has the least amount of movies out of the top five. Plus, it’s not just a movie, it’s a basically a lifestyle for those who find themselves fully emerged. Clothing, costumes, toys, props, LEGO sets, videos games, board games, jewelry — the list goes on and on, and pretty soon it’ll have its own land at the happiest place on Earth. There’s no stopping the force that is Star Wars and it’s likely my great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will have their own movies to look forward to.
5 Quick Star Wars Facts
- Harrison Ford only earned $10,000 for Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.
- There’s a Doctor Who connection. Bounty hunter Bossk’s costume was used in an episode of the hit BBC series.
- Yoda was almost a monkey with a mask.
- Can’t imagine anyone but Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu? Well, Tupac auditioned. He obviously didn’t get the part.
- The Shining was being filmed around the same time as The Empire Strikes Back, and after a fire caused Stanley Kubrick to take over some of George Lucas’ set, there was a halt in filming.
Reasons You Love Star Wars
I talk a lot — well, I write a lot. If you ever met me, I’m pretty quiet. Anyways, after a couple of years doing this section, I didn’t want to guess why you guys loved Star Wars. I just wanted to hear from you. So here are some reasons you all love this galaxy so freaking much.
“It’s been a big influence on me creatively. The reverence for its influences and general level of imagination on display is something I’ve looked up to for years as I’ve been developing my own works.” – Colin
“It celebrates following your dreams and the importance of bravery, friendship and independent women!” – Bonnie Burton
“Slave Girl Leia.” – Mark
“At the time it was different. It was pretty neat, pretty interesting and I just liked it.” – Diane, AKA my mom!
“I love the bad versus good. The epic space fantasy. The great story. The toys. The meaning behind everything and backstory of some characters. On some level everyone wants to relate to a space cowboy or knight in shining armor. Or even the villains. And these iconic characters bring out an imagination lost or put away as you get older. Also I love the fact it’s a common ground for people. You can see a person in a Star Wars shirt and talk to them about it without being weird.” – Justin

Reasons I Love Star Wars
It’s weird a silly MTV show that filled my afternoons growing up had such an influence on me. Total Request Live not only made me go too hard when it came to loving my favorite celebrities, but it made me appreciate fans and the fandom that came with it. Even if I wasn’t into Eminem, seeing some kid cry over what “Stan” meant to them as they stood outside a window in Times Square gave me life. Yeah, it takes a lot of talent and work to create a record, a movie, a television show — but those things would be nothing without the fans who love them.
So you may’ve guessed by now, but the fans are the real reason I have love for Star Wars. I will say my mom is the one who pushed the series on us growing up and I do enjoy watching them, but I could never love them as much as I love the hysteria other people create for this movie. Seeing whole families at conventions dressed as the characters, knowing that their kids will later take on the roles of Han Solo and Princess Leia with their own one day, that has to touch your heart. While I do think it’s a bit insane there have already been fans waiting in lines around the country all week, I have to tip my hat because I’ve only ever been able to spend one night outside on the ground at a time for something I love that much.
Star Wars fans are on a whole other level and they best represent why this whole Fangirl’s Guide series exists. Being a fangirl or fanboy isn’t just wearing a t-shirt or having a poster. It’s about living for that person, that show, that franchise with everything you’ve got — and Star Wars fans, they do that and then some. So that ends another year of these guides. It’s been swell and I’m sure you’ll see them rise again once more, but next year I’ll be doing something a little different and I hope you’ll love that series as much as I love this one.