If I were to make a list of women I am both in love with and 100% jealous of, Rashida Jones would be in the top five, hands down. She’s been coming into our homes on a weekly basis for years now, and has even managed to control what movies we head out to see, but why? Well, it’s obvious, but the reasons come later and the other stuff comes now.
Name: Rashida Leah Jones
Birthday: February 25, 1976
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @iamrashidajones
Best Known For
Rashida Jones is a sitcom darling thanks to NBC playing Karen on The Office and then heading to Parks and Recreation in 2009. Before she was a staple for laughs on Thursday nights, she played a part in Freaks and Geeks with many we’ve tackled right here. As far as movies go, you may remember her in The Social Network or Cop Out with Tracy Morgan — one of those more than the other. It’s actually movies like I Love You, Man and Our Idiot Brother that she shines in, though. Basically, you have to put her with the ever-so-wonderful Paul Rudd; when combined they’re magical. Other than movies and primetime, she showcases her skills through her beautiful (going to use that word and variations throughout) voice. Listen closely and you can hear her in Robot Chicken, The Simpsons, The Cleveland Show and the newest, this year’s The Awesomes.
5 Quick Rashida Jones Facts
- Her sister was engaged to Tupac.
- She, on the other hand, almost married Mark Ronson a decade ago and has a dating history of lookers from Josh Hartnett to John Krasinski.
- Rashida should’ve been named Karen. She’s had three roles with that name.
- She got all her musical skills from her dad Quincy Jones.
- Thank goodness she didn’t turn out like her former schoolmates Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.

Reasons You Love Rashida Jones
Rashida Jones isn’t just this close-to-perfect face that can repeat lines for a living. She’s humble, smart, hilarious and, yes, striking. Those attributes paired with undeniable roles that transform her into the ideal for the “perfect best friend,” those are the reasons you love her.
You want to know what Jones and Conan have in common? They both got their education from Harvard. You love that she’s not one of those actresses who relied on their parents to get by. She took the initiative in her life while most would’ve just said “Hey, do you know who my father is?” Now go back and say that like Elton in Clueless. Anyways, Rashida got far on her own merit and then got into acting, dominating with her style of humor. It’s sort of deadpan in a way, but it works. It doesn’t hurt at all that she’s adorable too.
Ugh, it’s so frustrating to know she’s so awesome, but you’re not her best friend. You want her to be your Ann, your Zooey, your Celeste (maybe not that one if you were the Jesse). She almost always portrays someone you’d want when you were feeling at your lowest because you know she’d find a way to make you smile. She’d just have a funny way of doing it. It’s always for the best with her.
If this were high school, Rashida would win “Best All Around” because she’s book smart, a class clown, has lovely aesthetics, and you can’t help but want to hang out with her in some LA coffee shop writing screenplays and dishing about who she’s dated.
Oh yes, how could I forget? You and almost everyone in the world loves her for dating Zooey Deschanel in Our Idiot Brother.
Reasons I Love Rashida Jones
Like I said before, Rashida is one of the most wonderful women in the world to me. She’s no Olivia Wilde, but no one compares to my delusional wifey. I love Jones for her past, her love life, The Office and, overall, her ranking on my lady crush list.
If you’ve never seen a picture of Jones when she was younger, Google it. She was that quintessential nerdy girl growing up, and remains that way today. I have yet to blossom like she eventually did, but if there’s ever a miracle I too will wake up looking like her. She’s mixed, I’m mixed — it’s bound to happen. Okay, maybe not. Speaking of being mixed, I’ve talked a lot about what interracial relationships mean to me from this piece to Zoe Saldana and Rashida’s no different. Her taste in men almost mirrors mine and I love her because I can live vicariously through her.
Now for The Office. Yes, Pam and Jim are one of, if not the, ultimate TV couple. BUT I can’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy when Jim was with Jones’s Karen. If you managed to skip the last part of the previous paragraph, please go back and review. Then you’ll understand why I was rooting on Jim and Karen for a minute. Then I came to my senses and needed him back with Pam.
Currently Rashida sits in my top 10 girl crush list because she was is nerdy and lets me live through her (although she doesn’t know that) and look at her. She’s pretty when she dresses up, but even better when she doesn’t.