Bobby and Rufus are the deadly duo, always with the snark. And because flashbacks are our friend, we get to see them back in action yet again. It’s nice to see when cases align over the years, and what the other hunters get up to when the Winchesters are working elsewhere.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
I have always loved Rufus, and especially when he’s paired with Bobby. We didn’t get to see nearly enough of that interaction before death took them both. I miss the old hunters, and forget how much until I get to see them in action again. They’re just so snarky with their love-hate relationship. I’ve always wondered what they got up to in their younger years, and what their history was all about. We got to see glimpses of it, references to what went down, but there are still so many stories left to tell. I love that Rufus always tries to get the upper hand by not working unless he’s absolutely forced to. And that Bobby puts up with him regardless. You can tell the two of them care for each other, even when they’re complaining through it all.
The duality of the storyline was nice and the camera shots to show that alignment was fantastic. Seeing Dean/Sam fight just as Bobby/Rufus did was great to watch. All the steps Rufus and Bobby went through, the conclusions they came to in order to solve the case, were mirrored by Sam and Dean. Smart hunters, the four of them. It’s interesting to watch and remember the olden days before the boys had access to the Men of Letters library. Back then, like all hunters, they had to rely on what they had experienced before and what others had experienced. Now that their knowledge has outpaced John’s journal in many aspects, and they have the whole Men of Letters library at their disposal, they can tap into a wealth of information and fight monsters that many had never even dreamed of.
I also liked the harkening back to the shaky mental state Bobby was in when they were going after Lilith. He was so scared for the boys, and sure that one of them was going to die. Well, they did, as did Bobby, but the only difference was that Winchesters don’t stay dead. Even though Bobby and Dean were unsure of what happened in the nest, I like that they crossed the boundaries of time to see each other once again. Also, really happy to see that Dean isn’t keeping secrets from Sam. He admitted that he saw his brother dead on the floor. This is something he would have kept locked inside before. Progress!
Good to see that they continued the joke about Bobby not doing anything when he’s not with the Winchesters. Just because he’s not helping Dean or Sam doesn’t mean he’s not working! Actually, he’s working double-time because he has to keep up with cases and the random things the Winchesters throw at him. Good old Bobby. And it was a nice callback to see the bottle of alcohol gifted to Bobby from Rufus, the one Sam and Jody broke open in “Time After Time.” It’s a journey, and everything connects in some way. Glad that we’re on the road with them.
Rating: 4 / 5 Stars
Screencaps by SupernaturalWiki