For all its storylines, from angels to demons to monsters that go bump in the night, the heart of Supernatural has always been about two brothers and their home on wheels. And in this episode we got to see those key elements in full display in what can be described as a love letter to fans, by way of the Impala.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
The Impala, nicknamed Baby by both Dean and fandom, has been a home to the Winchesters for their entire lives. They grew up in her backseat and later front seat, traveling the country saving people and hunting things. And after ten years of watching her shine and purr, get dirty and bloodied, and even get beaten and broken, Baby finally got a chance to give her perspective. That’s right, the entire episode was shot from the point of view of the car, and it was the most amazing gift to fans everywhere.

“…this 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car — no, the most important object — in pretty much the whole universe.” -“Swan Song”
We knew we were in for a fun ride when the episode led off with the infamous lines Chuck wrote and narrated in “Swan Song.” Baby is the most important object in pretty much the whole universe, and she’s the third main character on this show. We love her as much as we love the Winchesters, cheering when she races in and crying when she gets damaged. Inside her remains the green Army man and LEGOs, as well as Sam and Dean’s carved initials. She’s witnessed so many things in the Winchesters’ lives, small moments that we aren’t privy to as an audience, but for just one episode we got a peek of those encounters. The small talk between the brothers, the time they spend on the road singing and sharing, and the interesting things they get up to when earning cash or letting off tension.
I have missed the light exchanges that Dean and Sam used to have, just being brothers together. With the weight of the world getting heavier on their shoulders, this episode was exactly what we as an audience needed to see. And there were so many great brotherly moments that it’s hard to choose just one, from the banter about the smoothies and the beer to the singing along to the cassette tape and joking about Sammy’s backseat action to the heart-to-heart they had before calling it a night and sleeping in the Impala (with a final bitch-jerk exchange that we have missed for so long!), this was one long love letter to the fans. I couldn’t be more pleased.
Sam admits, finally, that he’s infected and is having visions. And while Dean is miffed about being left out of the loop, it doesn’t descend into mistrust. They’re on the same page, sharing and figuring out what it all means. And while Dean doesn’t believe Sam’s visions are coming from God, seeing Young!John in Sam’s head seems to be pretty heavy on the implications that something powerful is trying to send a message. Is it God? Or Lucifer? Or someone else that Sam should know? Because Young!John does imply that Sam knew him already. And of course the message is clear. Once again the world’s fate rests on the Winchesters. Only they can save everyone.
In between this love letter to fans and the car, we even got a case. It’s supposed to be a milk run, just something to give the boys a chance to get out and on the road for a bit, but it turns out to be much more. While Dean gets all giddy over a new breed of monster (Were-pire! Whisper! Nachzehrer! Ghoul-pire!), the implications of their appearance tie into the Darkness. Even the monsters are afraid of what’s coming, and they are trying to build up their own defenses in preparation. The boys are tasked to be the leaders in this fight, and I’m sure they will step up to their roles as always. They will survive, and they will beat this. I just hope they don’t get beaten too much first.
For now, we can look back and remember that come Heaven or Hell or whatever else is thrown their way, the Winchesters are always home in the Impala. Baby loves them and we love her.
Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
Screencaps by WinchesterBros