The penultimate set of 20 in Maggie's list of the 100 greatest movie characters runs the gamut of criminal justice, from a serial killer to a cop to a robber to a federale. Read More
It's Mother's Day at Fort Marshall, and this week did not disappoint with a wonderful episode, paramount in Army Wives fashion with smiles and tears the whole hour long. I'm calling it the best episode of the season so far! Read More
This time we’re taking a look at yet another incredibly fun movie that, without Hulu, I'd probably never see: a star-before-they were-stars-studded 1998 flick called Thursday. This R-rated, humorous yet dark and twisted flick plays like an over-the-top B-movie stepchild of Read More
With only two episodes left before the season finale, Smallville has a lot of loose ends to tie up. But they decided not to do it in this installment. Read More
This week’s episode was all over the place! There wasn’t a ton of action, but holy crap did we get a lot of plot development and finally some peak moments we’ve been waiting for all season! Read More
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a movie as much as I enjoyed this one. I'm not gonna lie, it's far from high cinema. You're not going to find a lot of depth or meaning. What you will find is awesome, detailed characters, fun fight scenes, big explosions, some laughs, and Read More
Legendary fantasy artist Frank Frazetta passed away Monday at the age of 82. A genre defining creator, Frazetta's name is synonymous with sword and sorcery fantasy art, and he leaves behind an enormously influential legacy. In remembrance of Frazetta's life and work, here's a Read More
We've seen most of our favorite Marvel characters leap from the page to the screen successfully played by actors who were seemingly born for the roles. But they weren't all ideal — some of the casting was less than par. I want to turn back the hands of time and re-cast some of Read More