In honor of Halloween being just around the corner, I decided to make a top 10 list of the creepiest game I’ve played — Fallout: New Vegas. Now, I know it isn’t the scariest game ever made, but I don’t like those kinds of games. FO:NV is creepy to me because it’s set after an Read More
By now, you should already be accustomed to how this franchise works: someone in the house notices something freaky is going on, then sets up cameras to document it. Paranormal Activity 3 is no different, and that's either good or bad depending on if the formula works for you or not. Read More
A town being hit by freaky accidents, a couple whose divorce has created dangerous ramifications, and a pair of brothers that are trying to deal with everything life's been throwing at them. This episode was made all the more fun because it brought on well-loved actors from our Read More
Before the New 52, I had never heard of the Blue Beetle. I decided to pick it up, however, because it sounded interesting. This first issue sets up what the scarab is and why it is on Earth. The main character, Jamie Reyes, doesn’t even become the Blue Beetle until the very end, Read More
There are so many interesting bad girl good guy characters to choose from, I had to make another list. There’s something about that woman who on the one hand you can’t take home to mom but on the other hand you know will save your mom when the aliens invade. Read More
The chill of autumn is in the air, Halloween is on the way, and it's the perfect time to spotlight Vampirella, the vampiric icon of horror and cheesecake comic art. Read More
Throughout the course of the 500 Days, I will be visiting every cinema and every screen in the Republic of Ireland, but the first 21 days were pretty much spent in the confines of Dublin. Read More
What sets apart Z: Zombie Stories is the population it focuses on. Instead of the adults, who are often cast as the victors and victims during the zombie apocalypse, this book is all about the younger crowd. What is it like to come of age while zombies are taking over the world? Read More
Adult Swim is at it again, this time setting us up with copies of the shiny new Aqua Unit Patrol Squad Season 1 DVD to give you! Aqua Unit Patrol Squad is, of course, the rebranding of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and this set includes not only the first 10 episodes of AUPS but also Read More
Last year, I featured thirteen geeky tracks for Halloween. This year I continue the tradition with thirteen more tracks to add to your playlist. Happy Halloween! Read More