Hi, everyone! This is number two in the Crushworthy Characters series. Today, I will show my love for a different wizard named Harry — one that likes to wear cowboy boots and long duster coats. Read More
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag is one of the most highly anticipated game releases of this year, and Ubisoft has rolled out some new screenshots to tide us over until the game releases on October 29. The new screenshots feature two of the new playable multiplayer Read More
The annual Quake Con is coming this week, and the toymakers at Symbiote Studios have unveiled the exclusive vinyl figure they’ll have available just for the show. You might remember seeing Symbiote’s previous work in their Skyrim and DOOM figures. At Quake Con 2013 Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three (or less) picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
Remember a couple of months ago when everybody was all excited about CBS bringing back and re-popularizing the miniseries format with their ten episode adaptation of Stephen King’s Under the Dome? Today the network batted their eyelashes and said, “Just Read More
This week we talk about The Conjuring and The Wolverine, we discuss the craziness surrounding Fez 2's cancellation, and we have a long conversation about the ending and themes of The Last of Us. Read More
Back in 2009 we featured Wolverine with a Fan Art Friday the same weekend X-Men Origins: Wolverine came to theaters. A few years have passed, and The Wolverine is debuting this week. It’s the perfect time to check back in with the clawed Canadian to see what creative Read More
Behind every good anime is a good soundtrack. Not only does the show stick with you but you find yourself humming all the tunes you heard. Or, you end up at a karaoke place that has Japanese songs. I had to carefully consider this list. What anime have I watched through the years Read More
He might be an A-list actor with an Oscar nomination under his belt, but Hugh Jackman will always and forever be linked to one comic book persona, and it’s awesome he’s okay with that. No seriously, it is. He knows his roots and that’s just one of the reasons so many people have Read More
Okay, I know I just rambled about my crush on Kermit the Frog last week, but I… I’ve always been a bit boy crazy. And sometimes it’s really smart, older men that I go for. Like ones that were born in 1899. Duh, I’m talking about Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr., or just Read More
Now that JJ Abrams’s second Trek movie has been out for a while, it’s time for me to sit back in the comfort of my organic and ergonomic computer arm chair and do some Monday morning quarterbacking by answering the question, once and for all, whether giving the Star Read More
The idea for this series popped into my head after seeing the awesome Fangirl’s Guides. There are so many fictional characters that are drool-worthy. My first fictional crush was Chiba Mamoru, a.k.a. Tuxedo Mask, from Sailor Moon. My teenage self was enthralled. He was just Read More