This one is going to make a lot of my friends question my sanity but hey, when they write a weekly piece they can pick and choose whoever they want. This week I wanted to talk about that chick who’s mad about being famous, mad about being loved by millions, made about — hell, breathing probably. Kristen Stewart is not my favorite person in the world, but I admire one thing about her while I’m sure the rest of you love a lot more.
Name: Kristen Jaymes Stewart
Birthday: April 9, 1990
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Fan Site Shout Out:
Best Known For
The sullen girl on the red carpet — that’s what Kristen Stewart will always be known as. Her grimace spawned one too many memes, but between scowls she’s managed to make quite the name for herself thanks to the Twilight series in which she played Bella Swan, the girl stuck between a vampire and a werewolf. Before she was everyone’s favorite sad girl, she was just a kid trying to make something of herself with her first break in 2002’s Panic Room as Jodie Foster’s daughter. After that there were a couple of those kiddie movies that are never on TV like Catch That Kid and Zathura: A Space Adventure with The Hunger Games’ Josh Hutcherson. In between the times she was Bella, Stewart played a misunderstood 20-something in Adventureland, a misunderstood rocker in The Runaways, and a misunderstood beauty in Snow White and the Huntsman. Do you see a theme here…? Next up Stewart will star alongside Chloë Grace Moretz in Sils Maria in 2014.
5 Quick Kristen Stewart Facts
- Kristen has two adopted brothers named Dana and Taylor.
- She was a last minute addition to the Panic Room cast, replacing Hayden Panettiere right before shooting began.
- When she has free time she likes to dabble in photography.
- The Shining is her favorite horror movie.
- When she and her fellow Twilight costars put their hand- and footprints into the cement at Mann’s Chinese Theater, Kristen wore black and white checkered Vans and let the theater have them afterwards.

Reasons You Love Kristen Stewart
There are maybe ten people, if that, who noticed Kristen Stewart before Twilight came into our lives. For those who liked her before, hey — you saw something in a kid actor and stuck with them, that’s awesome. For the rest of the world, loving Stewart has to do with Bella Swan and almost every other role that follows suit, and her “whatever” demeanor when she’s not acting.
So, Bella Swan — I’ve seen enough to kind of get why you love her. She’s this moody girl who isn’t traditionally pretty; she’s a tomboy and in a world like ours they are cast aside as something to “fix into femininity.” Although she doesn’t put herself out there, she wins the affection of two guys that are viewed as attractive in their own ways: one, a sparkly vampire and the other, a chiseled werewolf. You saw that and were like, OMG if she can get a boy like either one of those then I truly can as well. At least, that’s what I assume you did. If you didn’t, then you just liked that she was an angst-ridden teen who you could identify with because you either are one or were one at some point in life.
Speaking of, you love that Kristen can always manage to play the same — wait for it — misunderstood girl. Let’s also point out that playing that glum, tomboy persona again in Adventureland led to her making out repeatedly with Ryan Reynolds. You’re dreading the day she has to change to play the lead in a RomCom as a bubbly, Kate Hudson like character. You love Kristen when she’s mad about something, which seems to be almost always.
Even in her day to day life, you’ve gotten used to her expressionless face in paparazzi shots. You don’t care, you’re just as mad about life as she seems to be and understand that she has the right to be grumpy. Whether she’s out and about or on the red carpet you cheer on her gloom because that’s how you’d be if you were her. She’s kind of turned into this representation for a generation of misconceived girls and you’re one of them.
To a few, Kristen Stewart has been your love since she started out but, for the rest of you, Twilight catapulted you into a relationship with her that can sometimes lean towards cult like thanks to her depiction of a troubled girl both on and off screen.
Reasons I Love Kristen Stewart
You know very well I don’t love Kristen Stewart for Twilight. Have I told you enough how I felt it should’ve been marketed as a comedy? The graphics, people, the graphics — I can’t. So no, my love for the girl most know as Bella Swan has nothing to do with anything vampire related. My love for Kristen Stewart is small, but it’s thanks to her red carpet and award show presence.
I’m not a girly girl. I loathed the Pink Power Ranger growing up (another story for another day), don’t know the first thing about make-up, and own dresses but rarely wear them out of fear of being mistaken for a reject from RuPaul’s Drag Race. So I love Kristen’s style most of the time because she dresses normal. She only dresses up when it’s completely necessary and even then she looks uncomfortable to the point where she wants to crawl into the wall and hide.
Her best moments are when she tries to do the girly thing, but then tosses on some Chucks and calls it a day. That’s how I’d do it. Do you know how hard it is to feel pretty with a size 11 heel? Again, RuPaul’s Drag Race: The Reject Edition.
Kristen Stewart’s biggest role might not be the reason I love her, but I can say I admire her being a tomboy beauty in Hollywood. Don’t try and fix us, we’re too cool for your feminine propaganda. That’s likely what she’d say if she wouldn’t make millions pimping out cosmetics or something.