For movies there are trailers, for TV shows and video games there are commercials, but what about books? You might actually want to know what new books are coming out, and there is no one to tell you… until now! Sure, you could go digging through Amazon or Barnes and Noble or go into the store and see what they are offering as new releases, but there are so many more you don’t get to see. I’ve done the digging for you and discovered even more than I imagined, so I’ll be splitting up September into three posts. All of these books (with few exceptions) are BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW! The list below should be the first time any of these books have been released, and any blurbs are from the publisher or someone else. Unfortunately none of the blurbs are reviews, because I, like you, have to wait for the books to come out. (Boo!) So check them out and enjoy!
1) Impossible Encounters
by Zoran Zivkovic.
This novella is being published by Aio Publishing Company and is also set to release September 1, 2008. A nuanced mix of the ordinary with the surreal, the mundane with the sublime, this mosaic novel quietly twists trusted concepts. With simple yet fine prose, this story unfolds as a series of otherworldly meetings. After death, a man encounters not a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel, but a hall of portraits and, locked in a room, the most extraordinary artwork of all. Other colorful characters include a young man who finds himself atop a mountain, a bookseller that services the most ordinary of requests from a highly unusual patron, a banker who meets his maker on a train, a priest who receives absolution from the devil, and a dying author who finds hope in the most unlikely of conversations. Long before the last page, readers may find the world has been turned inside out.
2) After the Downfall
by Harry Turtledove
This book is being published by Night Shade Books and will be released September 3, 2008. 1945: Russian troops have entered Berlin, and are engaged in a violent orgy of robbery, rape, and revenge! Wehrmacht officer Hasso Pemsel, a career soldier on the losing end of the greatest war in history, flees from a sniper’s bullet, finding himself hurled into a mysterious, fantastic world of wizards, dragons, and unicorns!
3) A Wild Ride Through the Night
by Walter Moers and John Brownjohn
This novel was written by Walter Moers and translated by John Brownjohn and is being distributed by Overlook Hardcover and released on the 4th of September. In a world between legend and dream, A Wild Ride through the Night describes the exhilarating and comic adventures of his twelve-year-old protagonist Gustave, a boy who aspires one day to be a great artist. When a disaster at sea puts Gustave in the uncompromising hands of Death, he has the choice to give up the ghost or take on a series of six impossible tasks. Gustave embarks on a strange and perilous journey during which he must save a princess from an angry dragon, pull a tooth from the Most Monstrous of All Monsters, fly over the moon, and even, somehow, meet his own self. Will Gustave’s creativity and imagination be able to save him from his fate?
Also coming out in the beginning of September:
September 1st
4) Tarizon: The Liberator (Tarizon Trilogy) (Tarizon) by William Manchee from Top; First edition.
5) Angelslayer: The Winnowing War (Angelslayer) by K. Michael Wright is being published by Medallion Press
September 2
6) Belisarius I: Thunder at Dawn (Belisarius Series) by Eric Flint and David Drake, published by Baen
7) Duainfey by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller coming out through Baen.
8) Icarus at the Edge of Time is a short story written by Brian Greene and published by Knopf.
9) Riders of the Storm: Stratification #2 is brought you by author Julie E. Czerneda and publishing company DAW Hardcover.
10) The Scourge of God: A Novel of the Change is the newest out from author S. M. Stirling and the folks at Roc Hardcover.
11) The Van Rijn Method: The Technic Civilization Saga #1 (The Technic Civilization Saga) by Poul Anderson and published by Baen.
12) The Bell at Sealey Head by Patricia A. McKillip brought to you by Ace Hardcover.
September 9th
13) Anathem by Neal Stephenson is being published by William Morrow.
14) The Stowaway: Stone of Tymora, Book I (Stone of Tymora) by R.A. Salvatore and published by Mirrorstone.
Check back next week for the second of three installments for the September book releases!