Time for an awesome new cartoon giveaway! This time we have a copy of the recently released DVD collection of The Heathcliff and Dingbat Show to give you. Read More
Disney / Star Wars mashups have been a popular topic for fan art for a long time, and here's a look at some fan-made creations that crept a little closer to becoming canon this week. Read More
Courtney Schafer is the author of The Shattered Sigil, a fantasy series that began in 2011 with The Whitefire Crossing. Now her second volume, The Tainted City, is in stores, and we have a copy to give to you! Read More
Time for another journey into the fannish corridors of Tumblr! This week we have a special one for you, because it hits two specific fandoms... one directly and the other through association. Without further ado, here's the newest Fandom Tumblr of the Week! Read More
The creator of Paranormal Activity takes on the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster in this misguided 2012 horror flick, newly released on Blu-ray. Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
With HBO's recent movie about Alfred Hitchcock and the upcoming feature film starring Anthony Hopkins as the enigmatic director, Hitchcock's library of suspense and horror has leaped back into pop culture with a vengeance. Read More
There's a joke that says you can find an audience for anything by sticking "dot Tumblr dot com" onto the end of it. While that might not be exactly accurate, it is true that there's a ton of surprisingly creative stuff to be found on Tumblr, much of it Read More
Little Shop of Horrors is a piece of timeless musical horror comedy that has aged with perfection, and its new Blu-ray release is the definitive way to own it. Read More