This week we talk about our plans for this year's Dragon*Con, as well as all the new games we've played and TV we've watched this week, including the special Lost epilogue mini-sode. Read More
World War II fighter pilots! I went into this with no connection to the Lance Star series because I wanted to see if it was truly a one-shot which required no former knowledge. I will admit that it took some time to get into the mindset of the world presented, but eventually I Read More
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World might not have seen stellar box office results, but the fandom for the movie and the comic series that inspired it remain strong. This week's Fan Art Friday pays tribute to the crazy cast of characters that round out Bryan Lee O'Malley's epic of epic Read More
The key word for The Amory Wars is "epic." If you're into melodrama, complicated back stories, and the feeling that the idea behind the story is more important than the story itself, then you'll enjoy this fictional universe and the music it inspires. If not, well, you probably Read More
Some reveals that should have been "OMG!" turned out to be more "SRSLY?", some characters continued to devolve into 2D versions of what they once were/could be, and everything ended with me wondering how they're going to wrap this season up in two more episodes. Read More
Zenescope Entertainment's Salem's Daughter #5 concludes the series's two-part Jersey Devil storyline. Anna and Braden are still searching for the deadly creature that lives in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, but as the trail grows warmer they begin to realize that something may be Read More
Grimm Fairy Tales regular Mercy Dante is back in the third issue of this five-part miniseries from Zenescope Entertainment, and her dangerous journey to save a man she's never met is taking her to hell and back, literally. Read More
In 2008, the Chicago-based Slay-A-Thon, an annual charity event organized by Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fans, raffled off a particularly cool prize: a playset of the iconic Magic Box, made by fanvidder (and modeler) HammerPixVideo. Read More
This is one of my favorite albums of the year so far. As I've mentioned previously, I am a big fan of George Hrab's music and podcast, and that may bias my review a bit due to my familiarity with the stories behind some of the songs. Read More
Hey there, fans. Instead of the usual Happy Fun Thursday article and the second part of the Japanese Music post, I bring sad news about a legend in the Japanese animation industry. Satoshi Kon, the director of such animated classics like Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, and Read More
With the deluge of vampires flooding every aspect of our entertainment nowadays, I was initially a little skeptical on how enjoyable Dracula: The Company of Monsters would be. But, much to my surprise, this first issue really grabbed my attention and has me interested in where Read More
This installment continues Season Four's trend of bucking traditional Eureka episode formats. We open with a late night car chase, and spend the rest of the episode finding out what led to this creepy moment. Read More