Paolo rides in a hover-craft, merges with a mecha, and throws a Rocket-Punch into the sky to start his "Massive Mecha" series to celebrate Fandomania's Robot Month! Read More
Some of our readers may recognize Mike Salva’s name from my review of his short animated feature Back to Life, which screened at the Rhode Island International Horror Film Festival in 2009. Now the award-winning Nashville animator is back with his latest project, Pound Dogs. Read More
Flashpoint is almost upon us now and DC Comics has started working in earnest towards getting us interested in their big summer event. The February 2011 issue of The Flash is the start of the book's second storyline. Playing into the fact that Barry Allen is once again working as Read More
Blake Edwards is best known for creating movies like The Pink Panther and Victor Victoria, but in 1971 he dipped his toe into the dustbowl of western filmmaking for the first and last time. The result is Wild Rovers, recently released on DVD through the Warner Archive collection. Read More
Last week, Zenescope Entertainment released the second issue in its latest Grimm Fairy Tales spinoff series, Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths & Legends. Before I tell you what I think of issue #2, though, let’s take a look at the series’s first issue, which hit shelves in mid-January of Read More
Do you love the classic Universal monster films and feel they don't get as much respect as they deserve nowadays? So does The Walking Dead's makeup FX lead Greg Nicotero. Read More
You just have a couple of days left to enter our contest to win a copy of Shaun Tan's Lost and Found, a hardcover collection of three stories including "The Lost Thing," which inspired the Oscar-winning short film. Read More
It’s taken nearly sixty issues, but Sela Mathers finally seems to be developing into a badass protagonist worthy of such a renowned ongoing independent comic book series as Grimm Fairy Tales. As is evident from my reviews of the past few issues of this series, the “Glass Coffin” Read More
For this month's robot theme, I've compiled a list of songs about, well, robots. I've tried to avoid listing songs that I've seen on other lists. Despite this restriction, I've come up with 12 songs about robots (although admittedly some are metaphorical robots). Read More
Tonight there’s going to be a jailbreak, somewhere in this town. Jedi Master Even Piell gets captured by the Separatists and it’s up to Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Plo Koon to rescue him. Read More
One mischievous mouse and a long suffering cat have been entertaining kids for over 70 years, and now Warner Bros has collected 14 of their classic animated shorts on DVD as Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures Volume 1. Read More