It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
Everyone has their favorites, from Chester A. Arthur to Rutherford B. Hayes. But those are real life presidents. In honor of the Inauguration, we bring you what only Fandomania has the guts to put in writing: the best presidents of sci-fi. Read More
The Winchester boys are twisting my heart into knots again, but somehow I don't mind so much this time. Perhaps it's the fact that their current set of issues has reached its inevitable conclusion and opened the door for a whole lot more possibilities. Or perhaps it's the fact Read More
William Hope Hodgson probably isn't a name that is as familiar to you as some of his contemporaries such as H.P. Lovecraft, but his influence on early 20th century fantasy literature is undeniable. Night Shade Books has collected his novel The Ghost Pirates alongside an assembly Read More
This week we have a big discussion about the series finale of Fringe! We also catch up on news involving Glee, Jonathan Coulton, upcoming TV shows, and more! Read More
We've featured a lot of characters and fandoms on Fan Art Friday over the years, but this is the first time the iconic Warrior Princess has made an appearance. This week we're spotlighting fan created artwork featuring Xena! Read More
Alice In Wonderland contains issues 1-6 from Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales adaptation of the classic story. It starts off with the version of Alice most people know, the little girl. However, instead of falling asleep or anything else, she’s being pressured by her grandparents to Read More
This week's featured Fandom Tumblr of the Week is another visual feast that is sometimes funny, sometimes gorgeous, and always intriguing as we shift our focus from the world of gaming to the realm of comic books. Read More
Another TV show? Well I was going to tackle the loves and lusts that come with Andrew Garfield, but then the Golden Globes were on and there was one cast that looked too adorable to pass up. Plus, since I did a show I wasn’t too fond of last week, we’re going to talk about a show Read More
Letters from Whitechapel originally released in 2011 but is being revamped and published to a wider audience this year, thanks to Fantasy Flight. The game is designed for 2 to 6 players, with one player acting as Jack the Ripper and the others playing as authorities in pursuit of him. Read More