If there's one area where Tumblr excels, it's meme generation. If there's another, it's the slapping together of seemingly unrelated fandoms in brilliant ways. This week's featured Tumblr makes the best of both of those strengths to deliver some Game of Thrones action by way of Read More
There are those famous women you hate just because of their looks and the way they’re worshiped for no good reason, but when it comes to Olivia Wilde, you can’t find it in your heart to hate her. When she’s on screen, you’re drawn to her and it’s most likely because her eyes hold Read More
One school of thought is that, if you name the screen adaptation after the source material, you should try to have some kind of resemblance to the original. The other school of thought dictates making a movie or TV show about whatever the hell you feel like producing and titling Read More
Buffy takes a back seat this issue, as the storyline focuses more on Xander and his conflicting emotions over Dawn's health. This man who has stood beside his friends, who has sacrificed so much, is at risk of losing the happiness that he's built. How far will he go to ensure Read More
If you miss David Tennant on Doctor Who, you should catch up with him in his newest project, the BBC miniseries Spies of Warsaw. It's a historical drama set during World War II, and BBC has sent us three copies of the series on Blu-ray to give away to you! Read More
Here I am again with another BioShock: Infinite theory! And, again, I can't really write a proper intro to this post without being spoilery. Don't click through if you haven't finished BioShock: Infinite! Read More
The third issue of Son Of Merlin picks up with Ywain attacking Simon and Gwen. There are two of him, which is in thanks to a spell called Bilocation. Simon and Gwen each take one of Ywain and manage to overcome them both. Simon uses most of the abilities that Gwen taught him, Read More
This month we get to focus on Prince Robot IV and his roller-coaster mental state. He is a soldier, he is royalty, and he is also pretty screwed up in the head. Then again, sanity was never a requirement in this kind of life. In the end, it enriches the already-intricate Read More
So, our heroes have jumped into the river and swam to safety. These are the heroes who were being chased by the angry mob of chimps from that small isolated town with the strange mutated apes in the mountains surrounding said small town. Remember all that? Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
The 2012 Oscar winning historical drama Lincoln has arrived on Blu-ray and DVD, and we have three copies to give away this week! Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Daniel Day Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, and Sally Field, this is a remarkable film that deserves a spot on your shelf. Read More