For part two this month, we get to hear from some familiar artists in a slightly different form along with a repeat artist. What the heck am I talking about? Read on to find out! Read More
In this episode of the Fandomania: Geek Music podcast, I talk to Peter Chiykowski of Rock, Paper, Cynic. In the interview, we talked about the apocalypse, the concept behind Borken Telephone, Mogadore, p-zombies, codes, and the N-64 Zelda games. Read More
For a show that spawned Frasier, you’d think their finale would’ve been constructed a little better. Three parts? Why did it need to be an hour and a half that night? I finally took the plunge and walked into this place where everyone knows your name, and when I walked out I was Read More
With Dawn and Xander stuck in the other dimension, it’s up to the Scooby gang to retrieve their friends without destroying Earth in the process. But it seems like someone they once trusted has ulterior motives filled with power and destruction. Maybe Earth’s not so safe after all. Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three (or less) picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
As the sixth season of Pretty Little Liars begins moments after the season five finale, Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer and Mona are trapped outside the “dollhouse” where their tormentor, Charles, has been keeping them — with nowhere to run. Angered by their attempted escape, Read More
In this episode of the Fandomania: Geek Music podcast, I talk to Coolzey. In the interview, we talked about his association with Schäffer the Darklord, the weirdness of touring (I should mention that the show I saw was actually on a Sunday, just in case anyone cares, but the Read More
Still freaking out over the fact that the Cheers finale is an hour and a half, I had to go with the show’s spin-off this week. So I dove into Frasier. I’d never seen an episode but I will admit that as of right now, it’s possibly the second best series finale I’ve encountered Read More
Prue has put her sisters into a very risky predicament. Seeking aid wherever they can find it, they know that the world is in danger unless they can put a stop to Heremus and Prue’s mission of ultimate destruction. Read More
An expedition of groundlings from the Empire of Kish have traveled through the Three Worlds to the Indigo Cloud court of the Raksura, shape-shifting creatures of flight that live in large family groups. The groundlings have found a sealed ancient city at the edge of the shallow Read More
Sometimes, you just find a character and series you love on Netflix. Murdoch Mysteries is one of those shows that I've gotten addicted to on the binge-watching service. I like a good old-fashioned mystery show with a fun cast of characters. The show fits the bill and it's a Read More
It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for another round of new music for Rock Band! This week features music from DNCE, Twenty One Pilots, and The Weeknd. You can pick up each individual song for $1.99 a piece, or you can get the whole Going Country Pack 09 for $5.49. Read More