Pikko at Adventures in Bentomaking is a big Lost fan. Since she’s also a bento box fan, it follows that she’d combine the two. Here are a few of the results of her labor.
If you’re not familiar with bento, it’s a pretty awesome art form that’s particularly popular in Japan. It was featured in a previous Fandomestic, but this is the first time it’s gotten its own article!
Here’s the famous Dharma Initiative van, made out of kamaboko (a kind of processed white fish):
And, of course, the Hatch:
Inspired by the faux viral video from Comic-Con 2007, it’s the #15 bunny:
Can you believe the image of Ben in this bento is made from nori (seaweed, like the kind used for sushi)? Yup. Cut with an X-acto knife.
And the Dharma logo, also cut from nori, placed on a bed of rice:
She has several more (eleven in all) at her site, along with tons of other non-Lost-related bentos.