The Walking Dead #122 greets us with our old buddy Negan and his colorful vocabulary. He feels quite triumphant after talking to Eugene, strutting off to his chambers. Meanwhile, Dwight visits with Eugene, filling him in on the plan to take down Negan. Unfortunately, they are overhead. While this could be a horrible turn of events, Dwight hears some good news. More people want Negan gone than he thinks.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
Meanwhile, Maggie is discussing with Brianna that they have only six days of food left for this amount of people. Maggie doesn’t want to be in charge. Brianna tells her that she took on that role and it’s a good thing despite the food situation. Maggie believes in Rick — hopefully everyone will by the end of the war. They will also believe in Maggie.
Rick and Andrea are on watch, though they’re sure all eyes will be open for the night. There is planning and strategy that need to happen, and though they don’t want to, they all need to rest — which is what Ezekiel and Michonne are trying to do. And Ezekiel is STILL upset. He knows he has to fight, he tells Michonne. He knows she’s stronger than him, and he wants her to respect him, even in weak moments. He’ll do better tomorrow. When she’s awake. (insert laugh track)
Heath is being looked at by Dr. Carson, and the two discuss how Denise had been bit when she performed his surgery. She was a hero for doing so. Soon, the gates open and all of Ezekiel’s people are in one place. He is happy that Rick made sure they united. Now they need time and have to be prepared for the worst.
Negan knows how to win the war. He has lined up walkers and wants each of the Saviors to dirty up their weapons on them. That’s right. He wants them to drag their weapons all over the walkers to pick up their diseased flesh so that even a scratch on one of the “good” guys will ultimately kill them. As sick as it sounds, it’s a brilliant plan.
Rick needs time but Negan won’t be giving them any.
They attack at sundown.
#123 recap coming soon!