A while ago I did the top 10 best places in WoW that everyone needs to see. This time, it’s the worst places; places so bad that not even the Cataclysm fixed them — the places in WoW people need to avoid like the plague.
10. Vashj’ir
I had Vashj’ir in my top 10, but only because it was so pretty. Other than that, the zone is too big and it takes too long to quest. Plus, trying to kill things underwater is a pain. You can never tell how close you are to anything. Luckily, you get an underwater mount fairly early.
9. Deadwind Pass
The only thing Deadwind Pass has going for it is Karazhan. There is literally nothing else to do here. No quests, nothing.
8. Bloodmyst Isle
The second zone in the Draenei starting area. It takes to long to quest through, the quests are kind of boring, there are multiple group quests, and it’s very red.
7. Desolace
A zone that was supposedly updated. It’s still as boring and tedious as it was before the Cataclysm. You could see what they were going for, but it didn’t work.
6. Azshara (Pre- and Post-Cata)
Before the Cataclysm, Azshara was just a pain to get through. There was very little reason to go there, especially once the level cap was raised passed 60. After the Cataclysm, Azshara has turned into a Druid’s worst nightmare. Some of the quests are fun and the Goblin road is nice, but it still doesn’t grab you.
5. Darkshore (Pre- and Post-Cata)
Darkshore pre-Cataclysm was one of the worst places to quest. The zone was large and had you running from top to bottom with no rhyme or reason. Post-Cataclysm, it is a little better. The zone has a unified story line, but it’s still tedious at times.
4. Dustwallow Marsh (Pre- and Post-Cata)
Dustwallow Marsh had a few good quests pre-Cataclysm, mostly involving deserters and a sea monster. Overall, it was just boring and just killing things. Now, though, it’s not much different. Many of the quests are the same (deserters and sea monsters). There is more of a story of Horde vs. Alliance, but it’s still pretty much the same.
3. Hellfire Peninsula
It’s pretty sad that this is the worst zone in Outland and it’s the first zone you have to quest through. Luckily, nowadays, you can do a handful of quests and skip straight into Zangarmarsh. The sky is lovely, but all the red and uneven ground is disorienting. Also, the Fel Reaver stalks you at every turn.
2. Arathi Highlands
Very little has changed in Arathi Highlands since the Cataclysm. To get the achievement for quests completed in Arathi is a sad 18 quests. Pretty much nothing has changed, with the exception of the Forsaken pushing in from Hillsbrad.
1. Silithus
Literally nothing has changed in this zone post-Cataclysm. Nothing. Silithus, like Arathi, has very little quest to do for the achievement, 19 quests in total. It’s filled with bugs and sand and horribleness. Hopefully, it will be changed someday soon.