I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Angela Morales, aka FarmGoddess, site manager for FarmVille Freak, the #1 FarmVille fansite. Here she shares the inside scoop on the site and her expert opinion on why pixelated veggies and tractors make so many people happy. Read More
Jane McGonigal's talk at TED describes how she feels her research and data shows that gamers are a superpowerful human resource for saving the real world. Read More
Of all the movies that have been put into Hollywood's Big Box O' Remakes, Clash of the Titans arguably had the right to be there. At 30 years old, the original actually is pretty dated. With today's advancements in filmmaking, this was the perfect genre and material to update. Read More
I’ve been saying in almost every review of this ongoing adaptation that I am going to read the original source material. Last issue I finally got off my ass and into the library. I have to say that, having read the novel, the graphic adaptation seems to be holding up pretty well. Read More
This week, six bands that never have appeared on Rock Band before each bring a single to the downloadable library. For $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points) a piece, you can pick up all these new releases on Tuesday for the Xbox 360 and Wii and on Thursday for the Playstation 3. Read More
This weekend ushers a shiny new remake of the 1981 Harryhausen classic Clash of the Titans into theaters. As someone who grew up on the original and has a lot of nostalgia for those old stop motion effects, I'm taking the opportunity to spotlight the original film as this week's Read More
Following last week's news that Chris Evans is the new Captain America for the upcoming bajillion Marvel movies, THR reports that Sebastian Stan has nabbed the role of Cap's ill-fated sidekick, Bucky Barnes. Read More
Recently, the Academy included Twilight in its horror film tribute montage at the Oscars. Here, Kelly argues that, despite its vampire- and werewolf-themed subject matter, Twilight is not horror; it's fantasy. Read More
Yesterday, Funcom announced the launch of Update 7: "Shrines of Bori" for the MMO Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The free update is said to include new content, features, and "groundbreaking" enhancements. Read More
I had high hopes for The Swan Thieves. I wanted so much to like it, because art and history are two subjects I genuinely enjoy. It seemed that even though it was quite lengthy that it would prove to be a breath of fresh air amidst all of the fantasy I had been reading lately, and Read More