Be still, my thudding heart. Rock Band has answered all my prayers (and surely yours, as well!) with this week's downloadable content: a five pack of songs from legendary rock icons Nickelback! Read More
I admit I was a little afraid that this album wouldn’t live up to the high bar set by Coulton’s previous music, but I’m glad to say that that fear was completely unfounded. This album is great! Read More
At its most basic, The Righteous and the Wicked is a Western film filled with bad guys, good guys, bad guys gone good, and good guys gone bad. While that and a few hundred cowboy hats, horses, tumbleweeds, and a saloon make for a film that falls in the Western genre, making a Read More
Whether or not you are an aficionado of Hawaiian music, I highly recommend this soundtrack. It is perfect for those times when you need something to help you relax and escape stress. Read More
It's a shorter episode this week, with talk about Community's problems, more Skyrim discussion, and some opinions about what's wrong with the new Need for Speed game. Read More
Can a sinner whose life was riddled with tragedy become heaven's greatest warrior? That's the question for the new comic Pilot Season: Seraph #1. The story follows DeSean, a man who has seemingly lost everything. But Heaven saw potential in him and he was chosen to become an Read More
I’ve never played an Elder Scrolls game before, but I’m insanely excited for Skyrim. I don’t have Skyrim yet, but I am looking forward to having it in my hands and running around the world. These are the top 5 things I’m looking forward to in Skyrim. Read More
Our contest for the Inception and Philosophy book just has a few days left! Make sure you get your entries in by midnight Eastern time on the night of Friday, November 18, 2011, if you want a shot at winning. Read More
Instead of being clumsy, she's a predator. Instead of sparkling, he smells. Instead of the Pacific Northwest, it's Minnesota. In The Twilight of Lake Woebegotten, a parody of the Twilight saga, Harrison Geillor takes the popular story and inserts new twists. Read More
Riots break out, two bickering flying abnormals who are also known scam artists seek help from the Sanctuary team, and an injured, fevered Will relives past birthdays in this week’s episode, “Homecoming”. This heartwarming and touching episode marks the directing debut of Robin Read More
The chimps are showing their true colors. Cold blooded, hatred filled, bigoted killers. That’s what you get when you combine intelligence with apes. You get cold-blooded killers. You also get an army that can look intimidating, even wearing goofy hats. But mostly you get Read More