The Muppets released on Blu-ray last week, and you absolutely need to watch it, especially if you've been skeptical that the Muppets even could work in the modern world. Read More
Hergé's animated hero graced the big screen last year, and this week we're featuring Tintin in his original incarnation with a prize pack giveaway! Read More
It really was a banner month for fans of Doctor Who, with four classic adventures landing on DVD, three of them being special edition releases! Read More
If you liked the movie and want to know more about the lore of the world of Thra, then you should pick up this comic. Not only does it go into great detail of the past of Aughra, the Gelflings, and the Urskek, it also contains some stories, like How The Gelfling Maid Got Her Read More
Alpha Girl is about Judith Meyers and how she’s survived the end of the world (which was caused by a cosmetics company). I really like the comic so far — it’s funny and has a fascinating concept. Read More
Russ Lane grew up with The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books, and after Peter Jackson's movie trilogy he was inspired to make a model of the hobbit home as seen in the films. But it wasn't until a recent back injury that he was able to devote the time necessary — two mont Read More
The Daddy issues continue this month in the Angel & Faith comic. The negative ramifications of family can still be felt in Drusilla, Angel, and especially Faith. Last time we delved deeply into the damage Angelus did to Dru, but this month it's all about Faith. Read More
Tweens screaming, collecting everything a cutie's face is on, and fits of the shakes when near them... for a character in a book? For generations, teenybopping was reserved for heartthrob actors in cutesy movies and TV shows and skillfully-crafted boy bands. No more. Read More