There are only a few more days before the end of our Project X contest. If you enter before midnight Eastern time on the night of Wednesday, June 27, 2012, you'll have a chance to snag a copy of the movie on both Blu-ray and DVD as a combo pack from Warner Bros! Read More
Despite my love for the subgenre, I have not featured much in the way of steampunk music in my column. A large part of that is simply because there are tons of lists already out there, and I feel like I’d just be rehashing them. But whenever I do get a chance, I try to do so. And Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
We have a video game soundtrack to give away this week, thanks to La-La Land Records. Up for grabs is Christopher Lennertz's original soundtrack to Starhawk, a limited edition CD release. Read More
DC's new series of Watchmen prequels has begun, and that reminded me that we've never featured Watchmen in Fan Art Friday. I'm out to fix that this week by turning the spotlight on the comic's resident weirdo vigilante, Rorschach. Read More
This month Warner Bros is bringing the first season of Alice to DVD as part of their Warner Archive home video series, collecting all twenty-four episodes of the first season across three discs. We're giving away a copy to one lucky winner! Read More
The Saga story continues with a detour into sexcapades and family history. This issue was split between The Will's current adventure and what Marko and Alana were up to. While our favorite couple was trying to stay alive, The Will was trying to get laid. Read More
From producer Todd Phillips, the director of The Hangover, comes Project X, a raunchy and found-footage style comedy that hit theaters earlier this year. Project X arrives on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and we have a copy of the combo pack for you to win! Read More
Since the debut of the Ultimate Spider-Man book back in 2000, folks have wondered when the inevitable crossover between the Ultimate and 616 Universes would happen. Now, finally, it’s happening. And after reading the first issue, I think that the timing was perfect for a few Read More