Totally me, you guys. Minus the blue hair. Maybe.
Dear Fans,
Finals week is coming down the pipeline for some of us burdened college students, and all the combined forces of heaven and Earth cannot stop this onslaught of dreary-eyed, sleep-deprived horror. So instead, dear fan, I make a present of this, a fine, fine video, made by one on the Internet who has much too much time on their hands, much unlike myself. It has gone viral and spread like lice in a large middle school, infecting the headlines of the majority of the anime blogs in this series of tubes. Shockingly, the video is terrifyingly SPOT-ON when it comes to these openings, as I’ve bloody-well yet to see an anime that HASN’T used at least one of these tropes in their opening sequence, and believe me when I say I know my anime openings!
So, loving fan, I bid you “sayonara” as I turn my back to the waking world and face the near-Lovecraftian depths that is studying for finals! Tune in next week for more Happy Fun Thursdays! Wish me luck!
Yours in deep lamentation,
Paolo Jasa, Doomed College Student.
P.S.: For the curious and the obsessive compulsive, here is a list of the anime that have been used in the video.
(From Topless Robot, and literally every single anime blog ever)