Hilda, Oga and baby Beelzebub.
Hey there, fans! As the last episodes of last season’s crop of anime come to a close, I look towards the current season’s offerings and… well, initially nothing much sparked my interest. Sure, there are a couple of interesting looking anime adaptations of some American properties, of which I have held nothing more than even a passing interest (although I know of more than a few otaku fangirls of the latter who are eagerly awaiting its arrival). However, as I am always ready to try something new in this realm, I looked over a more detailed overview of the season and found more than a few anime that piqued my interest. For example, when an anime is named after the lord of the flies and one of the seven Princes of Hell, I thought it would be one about demons, Hell (with a capital H) and the battle between good and evil.
Oh, was I so glad that I was wrong.
Maybe NSFW:
The premise is simple enough: boy is a juvenile delinquent, beats people up, finds a half-conscious man floating down the stream, opens him up (!!!) and finds a baby inside, who he is supposed to raise in order to kill off the rest of humanity, as the Lord of Hell is a little busy with things to do it himself. And, it’s a comedy! Well, at least I’m pretty sure it is, as it had me laughing alongside it. Let me get to a more detailed explanation: one of the more colorful (read: violent, truant and unlikeable) high-school delinquents out there is a boy named Oga, who constantly spars with others of his age and temperament in order to prove his worth. However, after beating away an ambush party sent to knock him about, a transfer demon sees him and assumes that he is fit to raises the child of the Lord of Hell. The baby attaches to him relatively quickly, and now he, and his friend Furuichi, have to keep him happy, otherwise the little baby demon unleashes a torrent of electricity towards everything around him. Oh, and did I mention that another demon, Hilda, suddenly appears and demands Oga to return the child? Hilarity, violence and demon baby-related mishaps ensue.

Remember these faces, as they will be making you laugh.
Only the first episode of this anime is out as in so far, so it stands to reason that my own notions of this show is relatively preemptive and may not reflect my feelings towards it as the show progresses. However, with such a good opening episode as this one, I am rather optimistic about how well this show will go. The premise is relatively original and the silly, silly chemistry between baby Beel and Oga, leaves me both laughing at Oga’s pain and cooing at the cute baby’s antics. It may be a little early to call it, but I think that this is going to be a good show. This show is available on Crunchyroll.
Rating: 4 / 5 Stars