I’ve written 118 Crushworthy Character articles and it’s time to close the column.
This is NOT a farewell to Fandomania. I’ll still be writing articles. I’ve just decided it was time to end the column. My first CC article was Magnus Bane, who I still love with a passion. The purpose the column was to bring my love of fictional characters across multiple mediums to Fandomania readers. It’s been a fun journey. I hoped I helped some fans fall in love with the characters I did. Or at least let them know that someone loved the same character they did. However, it’s just time to end it.
I started to no longer feel the joy of writing the column. For the past two or three months, it was hard to muster enough “oomph” for the article and meet my other obligations. It felt like the right thing to move on. Crushworthy Characters was my first online column. It’s really special to me. I just feel like my muse is telling me to write other things. I most likely will do a character spotlight when I can manage it. It will just focus more on the impact the character has than whether they are crushworthy.
Another reason I’m ending this column is that I want to do something that I always found important. I love helping indie authors and web series directors get the attention they need. I stopped doing that for a long time. I want to get back into that. There are other articles I want to try out as well. I love writing about web series and books. I realized how much I miss doing this when I covered Middlemarch a few weeks ago.
I sincerely hope that people enjoyed my column these past four years and continue to fall in love with fictional characters.