00:00:29 – Episode Opening
00:01:10 – New TV has come back in force, and we talk about the new season of House of Cards.
00:07:25 – Harold Ramis passed away this week, and we discuss Ghostbusters.
00:17:28 – Jason played some of Thief on PlayStation 4.
00:24:27 – We talk about podcast episode lengths.
00:27:00 – Episode Closing
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I personally love the lengths that you guys strive for, anywhere between 30 min. and an hour is great, along with the timestamps. Please never get rid of those. If anybody complains about it being too short, they can easily find other interesting podcasts to fill that extra time. There’s no way to do the reverse, other than just stopping listening to a podcast all-together. That’s why I sadly can’t listen to the Giant Bombcast, even though I’d like to.
Hi guys!
I’m new but I already love your podcast. Keep up the good work. ;)
I would rather your podcast would be something between 40 and 50 minutes. This is the time I need to get to work from home (and sometimes can can even get back without an episode ending).