00:00:16 – Episode Opening
TV Talk:
- 00:02:38 – Fringe: “Enemy of My Enemy” and “Forced Perspective” (spoilers!)
- 00:11:36 – Alcatraz: “Kit Nelson” (spoilers!)
- 00:19:44 – Downton Abbey
- 00:26:19 – Homeland
Book Talk:
- 00:31:57 – 11/22/63 by Stephen King
Game Talk
- 00:33:45 -Assassin’s Creed: Lineage movie
00:37:47 – Episode Closing
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One Comment
The TV seasons are messed up, its hard to keep up when they have that dead space between Christmas and the second week of January… that is the time though I pull out any new box seasons I picked up and watch some decent TV.
Jason, did you get my email?