Art by FalyneVarger
Few book series have surprised me more than Sarah J. Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses. The first book was pretty good but the series became more amazing as the books went along. I was also amazed at the gender roles in the books and how they are broken. I’ve never heard of a fairytale character as progressive as the subject of today’s character spotlight.
Warning: A few minor spoilers included!
In the Spotlight:
Rhysand is the High Lord of the Night Court. He is described as the most powerful and handsome High Lord. However, his layers go beyond the description. He pretends to be a flirty bad guy in the beginning to protect others. I love characters with dual natures with which I can connect. Rhysand is actually a good guy and recognizes the strength of others. In the male-dominated land of fae, Rhysand is rather progressive. He has a divine, female fire deity as his second in command. He recognizes Amren’s strength and power, never treating her as less. His cousin Morrigan is also third in command. Rhysand definitely respects the power of women. As a High Lord of mixed blood, he has a special place in his heart for those considered lesser. He gives them a place in his court and his friendship.

Art by Charlie-Bowater
Rhysand’s treatment of the heroine Feyre is amazing, too. He gives her space, a safe place to heal, and his respect. Of course, he has to couch all this in flirting. However, the whole time he sees her as more than his equal. Unlike Tamlin who tries to smother Feyre, Rhysand lets her be free. Rhysand’s other personality traits also win me over. I love warrior men who kick butt. Rhysand doesn’t lack in the fighting department. He also has a wicked sense of humor. Being a High Lord doesn’t mean you can’t be funny. Rhysand has a very human side along with being fae. It makes for a great character and I highly suggest making his acquaintance.