Collect the right ingredients, burn them together, and chant the proper incantation, and Tall Jake will kidnap you away to the darkly horrific world of Malice, only to have you show up fighting for your life in a secretive comic book. At least, that's Read More
In anticipation of the upcoming Green Day: Rock Band, Harmonix releases a three-pack of Green Day tracks onto Rock Band this week, alongside two songs from 30 Seconds to Mars and one from All-American Rejects. Read More
This week we discuss whether 2009 was the year of zombies or vampires, the current week in TV, and a bunch of video gaming, including Mass Effect 2's impressive cast list. Read More
With the end of the year approaching, all the big collectible companies have been rolling out tons of awesome releases. The latest piece from Sideshow Collectibles' comiquettes line is She-Hulk, and here's a look at her in all her 16" tall, limited Read More
Indie comic book Hack Slash tells the story of Cassandra Hack and her monstrous friend Vlad, a team of slasher slayers that tracks down and eliminates crazed serial killers and creatures. It's gained a huge cult following, and it's the focus of this Read More
You still have a week to enter our current contest to win one of five copies of Malice by Chris Wooding! I've been reading this book myself, and it's crazily dark and engaging stuff. Read More
Borderlands, arguably one of the best games of the year, will be getting its second highly anticipated downloadable add-on later this month. 2K has announced that the follow-up to the first expansion, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, will be Mad Moxxi's Read More
The last character featured in DC Direct's Heroes of the DC Universe collectible bust series was Aquaman, with a surprisingly outstanding addition to the line. Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, is the newest release, and here's a look at how he stacks up Read More
Two music groups I never thought I'd mention in the same sentence are Slipknot and Simon & Garfunkel, but both are coming to Rock Band this week via the DLC that hits the Xbox 360 and Wii today and the Playstation 3 on Thursday. Also joining this Read More