The Swan Princess, a magical, musical animated adventure based on the classic fairy tale “Swan Lake” has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. The winner of the Film Advisory Board Award of Excellence and the Parents’ Choice Award, it’s the heartwarming story of the beautiful princess Odette, who is transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s spell. Held captive at an enchanted lake, she befriends Jean-Bob the frog, Speed the turtle and Puffin the bird. Despite their struggle to keep the princess safe, these good-natured creatures can do nothing about the sorcerer’s spell, which can only be broken by a vow of everlasting love. The Swan Princess is bursting with color, dazzling animation, beautiful music and the vocal talents of Jack Palance, John Cleese, Steven Wright, Sandy Duncan and Michelle Nicastro.
The Swan Princess released on Blu-ray on October 29, and we have one copy of the Blu-ray pack to give away to a lucky winner! You have from now through midnight Eastern time on the night of Wednesday, November 13, 2019, to get your entries in. Take a look at the form below to see all the ways you can enter.
Good luck!
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