Episode: Supernatural 6.03 – “The Third Man”
Original Air Date: October 8, 2010
Screencaps by rawr_caps.
I adore Ben Edlund’s episodes because I can be guaranteed that it will retain the core that Supernatural is known for. This episode was no exception. A cop literally turning to blood before our eyes, another breaking out with boils all over his body, and a third having his brain eaten out by locusts — that’s the Supernatural I’m used to. Yes, it was a bit gross, but the show is a horror movie every week and you can’t have horror without some blood and guts and perhaps a few bodies exploding here or there.
The episode shifted us from the Alpha storyline over to just what Cas has been up to this past year. Sam has called and called for him but, alas, the dear old angel is not answering his calls. However, as soon as his BFF Dean calls he is right there. I love that Sam got all ticked off over it and also that Cas admitted that he and Dean share a more profound bond, but he just wasn’t going to mention it. Oh, Cas, I’ve missed you.
But Cas wasn’t just hiding out because he hates Sam. There’s trouble brewing up above. What do you do when Heaven has a civil war? You run for the hills because it’s not going to be good for anybody! We learn that a number of Heaven’s weapons have been stolen and when you have celestial nukes on the loose it’s a good idea to try and get them back else they fall into the wrong hands. In this case, it seems the wrong hands would be Raphael. I find it interesting that Sam made the slight against Cas — inferring that perhaps Cas was not on the right side either, or else Cas doesn’t have the best intentions in mind? I’m not sure what Sam meant to imply with the comment, but there are a number of questions about Sam worth pondering.
Okay, I’m never going to turn down a shirtless Sam scene. If Sera Gamble wants to show her Sam fangirl love, I’m not against it. However, that scene did prove to me once and for all that the Sam we’re getting this season is not our Sam. I don’t know if he’s possessed or a skin walker or if there’s some other evil lurking about, but I do know that Sam Winchester does not pay for sex. He made that point very clear in “Lazarus Rising,” so the fact that they wrote in the scene where he’s paying the girl means something. It’s one more clue in a long line of clues that something just isn’t right. And Dean recognizes that Sam’s not right, but he can’t tell what’s going on with his brother either.

“You know, I'm just trying to figure this out, because something's different with you. I know that.” -Dean
The discussion they have over torturing the kid sheds light on just how different all three of these characters are. Cas does not have the luxury to care about how wrong the act is. He needs the information, this is the only way to get the information, so he’s got to do it despite how badly it will hurt the child. I can understand that. Dean is totally not okay with torturing a child and he’s right to be the voice of reason. Pre-Cage Sam would have been right there with him, objecting to inflicting pain on the boy. This is Post-Cage Sam and he’s very different. They need the information, this is the only way to get the information, so Sam’s going to support Castiel in his plan. So, is Sammy more demonic in his lack of emotions or is he instead more angelic in his lack of humanity?
I like that they’re making a point to keep Dean connected to Lisa and Ben. He’s still a Daddy, even when he’s not at home with them, as evidenced by both his conversation with Ben on the phone and the Halloween mask in the trunk of the Impala. I’ve longed for him to be able to keep that tie and so far he has. On the other hand, it’s only been a few days since he left them, so all that could likely change in the near future. However, for now, I’m happy with Daddy Dean. Now if he could just figure out what’s up with his brother, he’d likely be happier.

“Now tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man.” -Dean
A few quick things to end with. First off, let’s take a moment of silence for Sam’s car. I liked the Charger and I enjoyed it while it lasted. It’s not going to be able to take down the Impala in a fight, and Dean’s little race was just funny beyond words, but it was nice for Sammy to have a bit of independence for a while. Also, I’d love it if they’d just finish a case beginning to end. So far they’ve not captured the Alpha Skinwalker and they’ve not dealt sufficiently with Balthazar and his collection of weapons. It’s like they’ll start a case, just like the old days, and then it wanders off into loose ends. Hopefully their close rate will increase as the season progresses, but for now they’re definitely not up to their usual skill level.
Rating: 4 / 5 Stars
That screen cap you have of Sam looks like Lucifer.
But I think Lu is in the cage, however, is this really even Sam?
I love that Dean is still keeping touch with Lisa nad Ben, it was well crafted into the episode without having to use the actors or valuable minutes of story telling.
The whole selling soul stuff has me intrigued, and the whole season has me confused and unable to predict it. I like this!
You’re right, pre-cage Sam would’ve objected to torturing the child. Post-cage Sam however……he intrigues me. I give kudos to Jared for keeping me on my toes and guessing as to what is going down this season with Sam. He’s doing a great job!
I don’t care about the angel storyline, so I found that to be boring. I’m not interested in Raphael or Balthazaar or any of the others. I want the storyline to stick to the brothers.
I think the less call-backs to the Dean/Lisa/Ben storyline the better. The boys should be on the road hunting things. Let’s move on.
Nice review!
“That screen cap you have of Sam looks like Lucifer. But I think Lu is in the cage, however, is this really even Sam?”
There’s something definitely wrong with Sam. He’s either not really Sam or he’s missing vital pieces that make him Sam. He doesn’t appear necessarily evil, but more in the realm of soul-less or lacking the key ingredients of humanity (exactly as angels do).
“I love that Dean is still keeping touch with Lisa nad Ben, it was well crafted into the episode without having to use the actors or valuable minutes of story telling.”
Exactly! It fit into the storyline very well.
“The whole selling soul stuff has me intrigued, and the whole season has me confused and unable to predict it. I like this!”
I really don’t think Sam has a soul at this point (if that’s otherwise our Sam) both because of the lack of emotion and the fact that they did bring up the selling of the souls and it’s gotta factor into the storyline at some time. (I do wish Sammy would turn out to be a bit angelic, though, because that would be a wonderful redemption.)
“I give kudos to Jared for keeping me on my toes and guessing as to what is going down this season with Sam. He’s doing a great job!”
He’s definitely taking this character in an intriguing direction. I do hope that eventually we’ll get our Sam back, but for now the mystery still has me guessing.