Throughout the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres, there has been many a gadget and gizmo that has captured the imagination and fascination of millions upon millions of people. Many of us have wished that we could have [insert name of gadget/gizmo of your choice here] from [insert show or movie from which that gadget/gizmo came from here] to help us in our daily doings. Now which gadgets and gizmos would facilitate our day-to-day lives here on planet Earth and why? Do not fret, I have compiled a list of the top 10 gadgets we’d love to have but for some reason can’t. Here we go, counting down from number ten…
10. The TARDIS (Doctor Who)
The TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension[s] In Space) is not only the Doctor’s ship, but it is also his one and only home. The reason why the TARDIS would help our daily lives is that we could go back in time and fix whatever mistake or error we have made. Word of caution: “Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden… except for cheap tricks.” -The Doctor, “Smith and Jones.”
9. James Bond’s Watch (The James Bond Series)
From its inception in the James Bond Film Series, this trusty accessory has gotten Agent 007 out of many sticky situations. From a Geiger counter to laser-emitting capabilities, this watch does it all. It would help us civilians by cracking safes to access money (DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT condone the committing of any criminal activities whatsoever!). It would also help us rappel down to the ground from great heights, thereby saving time.
8. The Lightsaber (Star Wars)
This stylized weapon from a long time ago and a galaxy far, far away is ever-present at the sides of both the Jedi and the Sith. It emits a beam of light that perforates any type of material and can be used underwater as well as on dry land. Although it takes some training to master this gadget, once you do, you’re good to go. It has many real-world uses and it would make a great conversation-starter for sure.
7. Mr. Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
A somewhat cumbersome gadget mobility-wise, but what it lacks in portability it more than makes up in resourcefulness. This gadget made its debut in “Invasion of the Bane,” voiced by Alexander Armstrong as former Companion Sarah Jane Smith’s super-computer and colleague in the saving-the-world business. It is operated by having Sarah Jane Smith say: “Mr. Smith, I need you,” which is followed by a bit of fanfare and then, presto! Mr. Smith at your service. This gadget would be useful to anyone who needs to gather information instantly while also having an engaging conversation at the same time.
6. Captain Jack’s Vortex Manipulator (Doctor Who and Torchwood)
This litttle gizmo made its debut when Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman, burst into the Doctor’s (Christopher Eccleston) life in “The Empty Child”/”The Doctor Dances” two-parter. When Jack got his own show (Torchwood), his Vortex Manipulator got a little more tricked out. It opens the “Magic Door” brick entrance to the HUB and can teleport Jack and others to different places in time and space. Besides those two uses it can do many other things which we do not really know about, but we know that it can also receive messages sent from other Time Agents, de-activate a holding cell, and it is wired into the HUB for other varied tasks. This item would be handy to have so that we could engage in a little spatio-temporal teleportation and other such activities.
5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
From the publishing corporations of Ursa Minor comes the only book you’ll need to travel the cosmos with. This book made its first appearance in the audio play of the same name as the narrator and the source of all knowledge for Arthur Dent and Co. This guide was first dreamed up by Douglas Adams and has evolved to keep up with the times, yet it still has the same quirky advice you’d expect. This little gizmo would be advantageous to us Earthlings in that, if it had a plethora of Earth-based knowledge, it could make travelling from place to place a whole lot easier for anyone, it could tell us where to go, where to go get a decent drink, and where to stay for the night.
4. Batman’s Utility Belt (Batman)

The Dark Knight’s Personal Effects
This travel-ready devices is what Gotham City’s Dark Knight utilizes in his nightly quest for justice. It has assisted every version of the Caped Crusader, so much so that it has become synonymous with the character itself. It’s like a mathematical equation: Batman=Utility Belt. The belt can store all kinds of gizmos from Batarangs to a cell phone to a grappling gun to a First-Aid Kit. In short, it can store anything. This little gadget would allow us to get around a lot more easily and it could also help us incapacitate potential attackers.
3. Tony Stark’s Armor (Iron Man)
This modern twist on the medieval suit of armor was invented, developed, and constructed by Tony Stark, the man with an electric heart. Although this gadget is a bit on the bulky side it more than makes up for it on the offensive side, with missiles and the Uni-beam. It also has a propulsion system to rival a supersonic fighter jet. In other words, it is the world’s most tricked-out exoskeleton. This would be a great piece of hardware to have laying around in case of trouble… not to mention saving yourself a lot money when flying around the world.
2. The Transporter (Star Trek)
This fearsome piece of machinery comes to us from the ship that boldly goes where no other ship has gone before. Since its debut in 1969, this little gadget has been a major part of the Star Trek mythos and, by default, has also become synonymous with the show itself. The reason that this nifty little gadget would be helpful in the real world would be that it would cut down travel-time between two points considerably and it would also help cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.
We have seen it all, a time machine, a super computer, some powerful weapons, and some of our favorite heroes’ personal effects. But the ultimate gadget/gizmo we’d love to have but can’t is…
1. The Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who)
From the 1968 serial “Fury from the Deep,” this little gadget has helped out the good Doctor on many adventures through time and space. This gadget has made many appearances with seven different Doctors, but it always does the standard lock-opening feature. Other things that the Sonic Screwdriver can do: it can detonate mines, be used as a Geiger counter, repair a chain-link fence, break apart concrete, light a candle, pop-off the cork of a champagne bottle, convert the Doctor’s glasses to a pair of sunglasses, incapacitate killer Robot Santas, open a pair of handcuffs, detect alien signals, disable a teleportation cube, etc. The only minor drawback would be that it doesn’t open a dead-lock seal, doesn’t kill, maim, or torture anyone, and it doesn’t work through wood. This piece of technology would be helpful to us humans because it would help us do daily chores without having to work really hard on them. It would also help us by eliminating the need for keys — just like with a computer mouse, point and click and you’re on your way.
Honorable Mention: The Helicopter Hat (Inspector Gadget)
This nifty little gizmo made its debut in the animated television series Inspector Gadget, and has also been seen in various adaptations through the years. To activate it, Inspector Gadget yells out, “Go, go, gadget Helicopter Hat!” and out of his hat pop the two helicopter blades and the propeller handles. This gadget would be so helpful in cutting down travel time between two points. The drawback: It tends to malfunction every once in a while so you have to be careful with it. This is the reason why it only made it into the honorable mentions category.
Well, those are The Top Ten Gadgets We’d Love to Have (But Can’t). Now then, what do you think? What other gadget/gizmo would you love to have but can’t? Leave a comment below and let us know!
I could add to the list:
Selma- the computer from Time Trax
Ziggy- the computer from the Quantum Leap Accelerator
Invisibility Cloak- from Harry Potter
The red suit- from the Greatest American Hero
Kit- the car from Knight Rider
Well, that is all for now.Those are fascinating indeed as long as you don’t forget to “reverse their polarity” from time to time! Remember, time is relative!
From: A Guardian of Gallifrey
The world would be quite different if these gizmos were real…Out of the 10 I am familiar with only 5…I guess I need to enter the world of science fiction more often…
Titi Soa
I have a real-world alternative for the Hitchhiker’s Guide – The Amazon Kindle. It’s got a wireless connection to Wikipedia and its battery lasts for weeks!
Its been mentioned in XCKD as well. Here’s the link:
Well, technically Mr. Smith isn’t a good choice to want, if you’ve seen specific episodes of Sarah Jane Adventures…
Here’s my suggestions:
-The Hoverboard (Back to the Future part II)
-Automatic Tojo Blades (Van Helsing)
-Makeup machine (The Fifth Element)
-Resurrection/regeneration casket (Stargate)
the stargate regeneration casket seems high on my list (does that mean I’m getting old? :( )
I like the board on The fantastic Four – Sliver Surfer
the Gadget helicopter is pretty high on my list too.
I would so LOVE to have the Doctor’s toys! I carry my fake sonic screwdriver with all the time (even though it makes a horrible flashlight).
To be honest, I’ve always wanted Rosie from The Jetsons to be real. Actually, the entire world of the Jetsons would be awesomesauce. And that nail polish thing in Total Recall!
Gadget’s helicopter hat would be my choice. How I would like to fly by all those zanys on the road. Although a few falls from heaven would keep you in the humble lane.
yeah, that is a fanboy wish list of cool things
OMG! 3 DOCTOR WHO THINGS! XDXDXDXD… You know what I would want? The Doctor… 10th! or maybe 11th I need to see more to judge
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