In this issue of The Star Wars, the group makes their way to Banth. Luke and Whitsun have an encounter with Storm Troopers which is very reminiscent of the “These are not the Droids you are looking for” scene from Episode IV. However, Luke and Whitsun do not get away so easily as Luke and Obi-Wan did. Luke manages to take out the whole regiment, while Annikin is injured.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
They finally reach Gordon Spaceport. Annikin, Leia, and her twin brothers stay behind, while Luke and Whitsun go into the Spaceport, looking for Han Solo. Then they manage to go into a bar, where the famous “I have the death sentence on twelve systems” scene takes place. It goes almost exactly like it did in the movie. Finally they meet Han, who is a 6-foot-plus green alien, not exactly like Harrison Ford. Annikin’s father is there as well and is reunited with his son.
There is a plan to get the twins and Leia offworld safely, but involves the twins being put in suspended animation and then put inside some shielded containers. However, Han and Annikin are only able to get one of the main components, forcing one twin to stay behind. Annikin’s father sacrifices his own power core to save both boys. With that, the group is off to board a freighter offworld.
This issue was interesting mainly because Han Solo is not what you expected. He probably turned into Chewbacca at some point, and Whitsun, who seems to be a combination of movie Luke and Han, turned into the Han we know and love. The twins were turned into Luke and Leia, and their names, Biggs and Windy, used for other characters. It’s a lot of fun seeing these characters and then being able to mesh them with other characters to see how they turned into the movie versions which we all know so well.