In reading these comics, I can’t really separate them from the movie, so I will constantly be comparing the differences or similarities between these comics and the original movies.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
Picking up from the last issue, R2-D2 and C-3PO land in the deserts of Aquilae and have an argument. Much like the movie, they go their separate ways, but this C-3PO is much more violent as he tosses poor R2. The scene is also not as funny as the movie, since we can understand R2. Annikin and Leia soon find both robots and take them with them. Once back home, Leia tells General Skywalker how horrible Annikin is, which as I believe I said last time is probably the set up for a romance.
Upon learning her father is dead, Leia becomes the Queen of Aquilae. Leia is being moved to a safer system along with General Skywalker and Annikin. We also see Leia’s mother say, “May the force of others be with you.” Which seems a little bit strange, but perhaps it’s like saying, “May the spirits guide you” or the equivalent.
A new character, Prince Valorum, a Sith, is introduced and he is on Aquilae to hunt Luke Skywalker. It seems Prince Valorum and Darth Vader were melded together at some point, because Valorum has on a breathing mask and is a Sith. Vader is strong and has the iconic helmet on during some panels, but doesn’t seem to have any special powers.
This issue has amazing fight scenes, especially at the end. There is a massive fight between Luke, Annikin, and some Storm Troopers. All lightsabers seem to be red, and the Storm Troopers seem like they have a lesser version of lightsabers. The issue ends with the group heading to Banth and perhaps to meet Han Solo.