I have many fond memories of pounding buttons and staring wide eyed into the screens at the local mall's arcade. If you yearn for those bygone days of yore, this week's featured Tumblr will serve up an awesome slice of nostalgia for you. Read More
After watching the Oscars this weekend I really wanted to write about either Daniel Day-Lewis or Christophe Waltz because they make me want to order off the senior citizen menu, if you know what I mean. But I have a calendar filled with scheduled dates for different guys and gals Read More
When The Answer! #2 starts, The Answer is being attacked by what look like hospital workers. Devin is taken by a group of people in a limo who claim to work for an organization called the Brain Trust. They were impressed by Devin’s intelligence on the puzzle ball website and want Read More
Angel is one step closer to bringing Giles back to life, or condemning himself to a life spent comatose in a mental hospital. Either way, he will have to rely on his friends to save him and help bring his plan into action because he's certainly in no state to do it himself. Ah, Read More
We have an awesome giveaway this week for fans of the CW's hit series Supernatural! The new tie-in novel, Fresh Meat by Alice Henderson, released last week, and we have three copies to send your way. Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming days! Read More
This week Supernatural managed to skate just along the edge of bestiality and my thoughts mirrored Dean's on the subject. "Must love dogs" was never meant to be taken so literally. But we also got some brotherly advancement in terms of the trials, along with some secret-keeping. Read More
If you missed Lay the Favorite in theaters, we have a chance for you to see it at home! The comedy starring Bruce Willis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Rebecca Hall, and Joshua Jackson is coming to Blu-ray on March 5, and we have two copies to give away to you. Read More
After Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm and the growing anticipation over a new series of Star Wars movies, Star Wars excitement is reaching a fever pitch again. It's been a while since we last featured Star Wars in Fan Art Friday, so this week we're going back to the series to Read More