EmpireOnline caught up with Michael Cera this week and talked with him about the continued rumors of an Arrested Development movie, as well as his current work on the movie adaptation of the Scott Pilgrim
graphic novels. About the Arrested Development movie, Cera said, “I’ve heard that they want to do it, and I know Jason [Bateman] really wants to do it. I think it’s definitely possible, but there’s no script or anything. Hopefully it’ll have a kinder fate than the show, and that people who don’t know the show would see it.”
When asked about the Scott Pilgrim Vs The World film, Cera professed to being a big admirer of the comics it’s based on. He added, “Filming hopefully in the fall, that’s when they’re trying to go. Scott’s a dreamer, I guess, so it’s a bit of a change. I’m really excited to do it and work with Edgar [Wright] – he’s someone who’s really funny and an awesome guy.”
Source: EmpireOnline