Super Sentai Goukaigers!
Hey there, fans! This week’s post will be a little short due to an impending convention, but, fear not! It will contain no less then the maximum daily allowance of awesome that the FDA believe a human body could withstand (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). So, let’s play that video, shall we?
YUP. That’s right! If you’re a kid of the nineties, or a nerd of any age in that time period, it would have been impossible for you to have gone through life without having seen at least three different versions of the Power Rangers series, who borrowed costumes, fight-sequences and even entire story lines from the original Super Sentai Series. This clip shows the thirty-fifth version of the series, incorporating pirates as their main motifs in their costumes, body suits and their various modes of transport. They even have a gigantic chest cannon on their giant robot! However cool this all is, the best part of it all comes from the fact that the creators of the series are celebrating the show’s 35th anniversary with this show, and, like many such shows like it, it means only one thing: A HISTORY LESSON! Here’s a post from Bad Robot Ninja about just that:
“If rumours are true our heroes will have the power to travel between different Super Sentai universes making for some interesting cameos from previous characters and draw on the power and likenesses of previous rangers by using Rangerkeys.”
Fast-forward to now, and what was rumored is now set in cold, hard fact. The new series debuted just a few days ago in Japan, and it’s gorgeous! And, as rumored, one of the main fight-scenes the rangers were in had them transform into the first Super Sentai Rangers, the Go-Rangers, then into the Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, or the newest version of the American series, Power Rangers Samurai! In essence, the newest Rangers can transform into older versions of themselves and use their signature moves to kick butt and take names. For those who grew up with the actual Super Sentai Rangers from the late 1970s, this is a warm blast of nostalgia, but for the American audience who have never seen these heroes, it would be an interesting look at how the Rangers were before they came to the U.S. as they are now! Either way, it is most definitely AWESOME.
See you next week, fans!