Mystical markings and cat-girls not included.
Hey there, fans! If you’re anything like me or the millions of Americans that celebrate Thanksgiving with a coma-inducing feast, then you know that doing any sort of mental gymnastics or ANY physical activity directly after is relatively low on the things-to-do list. With this in mind, this post is dedicated to the cute antics animals get into, and the Japanese television shows that happily record them. In this list you will find animals great and small, cute and awesome, and even famous, as Maru the cat’s latest video is going to be in the line up also! So enjoy your food-induced stupors, fans, and remember to give thanks to the broadcast networks and bored pet owners in the land of the rising sun who constantly film stuff like this!
Two rabbits, two cups:
The Penguin Robot:
The Boar-riding Monkey:
Capybaras, oh my!
Maru, and many small boxes:
See you next week!
(All videos found on Japan Probe, where I obviously spend too much time watching these videos)