On this week’s episode:
00:00:17 – Episode Opening
- 00:00:33 – Our countdown of the 100 Greatest Fictional Characters of All Time has begun!
- 00:02:37 – We are giving away three copies of Primeval Vol 2 on DVD this week.
- 00:04:18 – Celeste talks about some familiar pictures of cakes she spotted on Syfy’s blog.
Movie Talk
- 00:08:35 – MGM looks to be in trouble, possibly putting the movie adaptation of The Hobbit in danger.
- 00:11:15 – Ron Howard is making a Lovecraft movie.
- 00:15:19 – Review: Paranormal Activity
- 00:21:28 – Review: Surrogates
TV Talk
- 00:25:39 – Celeste shares some non-spoilery news she read about the new season of 24.
- 00:28:29 – Jason talks about the new ABC series V’s recently announced scheduling oddities.
- 00:30:09 – We talk about the ratings for the Dollhouse season 2 opener.
- 00:32:36 – The Vampire Diaries: Friday Night Bites (spoilers!)
- 00:37:41 – Warehouse 13: MacPherson (spoilers!)
- 00:45:56 – Fringe: Night of Desirable Objects (spoilers!)
- 00:52:46 – Dollhouse: Vows (spoilers!)
- 01:09:42 – Flash Forward: No More Good Days (spoilers!)
Game Talk
- 01:30:13 – We both finished X-Men Origins: Wolverine and discuss the game one more time.
01:33:11 – Episode Closing
You can send listener mail to us at podcast@fandomania.com.
24, dollhouse, FlashForward, fringe, Paranormal Activity, Podcast, Surrogates, the vampire diaries, warehouse 13
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One Comment
i’ve been meaning to come comment on this for days… oops!
as usual, i totally agree with you both on pretty much everything you had to say. i find myself so frustrated with the way genre shows are marketed, rated, and the process of deciding cancellation. its very frustrating, especially b/c th genre demographic is so more likely to dvr, download, or stream episodes of their favorite shows, rather than watch live. i just wish there was a more accurate way to collect tv ratings, and with all the technology we have in place now, it seems like it would be.
i loved everything you had to say about W13, and i really agree with the way the series arc played out. I too thought of the show as merely episodal at first, and then i had to take back what I said as the bigger story kept building and expanding. I was also really glad when the show revealed that MacPhearson had helped Claudia hack the warehouse; it was a point of contention for me to accept that she had done it all on her own. I love the character of Claudia, and I thought your discussion of her was hilarious. I also think her ability to quote obscure pop culture references is a valid thing, i mean, who says you can’t have the tv on or the laptop open while you’re doing your obsessive magnetic field research. Her character certainly has an air of trendiness about her.
I cannot wait to see Paranormal Activity. I loved your review Jason, thanks for omitting any spoilers!
I was one of the people who missed Dollhouse a week ago, and I really agree about the lack of promotion. Getting back to my first comment… it is so frustrating! i love the show, and I will be so heartbroken if it gets canceled, especially if that happens mid-season.
Oh, and I listened to this podcast before i caught the first ep of FF on hulu- and your discussion/description really helped set up the premise of the show and convinced me to watch it. I had tried to watch it the night it aired, but only caught the first 5 minutes or so, and I was having a hard time following. Then when I watched it again, I really liked the pilot. I saw the second episode too and i’m hooked now.
love the podcast as usual guys!