If you’ve read many of my posts here, you should know I’m a sucker for great genre art. Check out my five+ years of Fan Art Fridays if there’s any doubt. As a consumer of all things geeky, awesome, and inspiring, I love finding new repositories of cool artwork, and this week’s featured Tumblr delivers in spades.
Daily Future
Fandom(s): Science fiction and futurism
Theme or gimmick: Each post is a curated piece of sci-fi / speculative art.
When it started: December 20, 2012
Tumblr intro: “Futuristic and science fiction art curated daily by @_hew”
Why it’s great: There’s a ton of sci-fi and futuristic artwork on the Internet, and there are a lot of Tumblrs that spotlight and share them. The special Tumblrs are the ones that have curators with a consistent eye for quality, and that’s why Daily Future is great. The art showcased at Daily Future is not just a slapdash array of sci-fi related fare; it shares common stylistic threads, and all of it goes beyond being just cool art. Nearly every picture collected there gets to the core of what’s important about science fiction by showing the viewer possibilities and demanding that questions be asked.